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如皋工厂头枕二期开发RG Headrest Plant ?development汇报:李杨目录 Catalog 一. 二期进度计划 Second phase development plan二. 二期开发产品 Second phase development products 三. 二期开发目标 Second phase development target 四. 二期工厂规划 Second phase factory planning 五.二期产线开发及核心内容 Second phase production line development and core content 五. 二期进度计划 Second phase development plan一. 二期开发产品 Second phase development products Sub-categoryHeadrest frameA categoryB categoryL typeTurnround typeZ typeSpace four foldSpace six foldSpace eight foldSpace turnround二. 二期开发目标 Second phase development target 背景 background 一期头枕开发已基本敲定,为了提升和保证我们公司在头枕业务方面的竞争力,我们需要对头枕骨架制造的全工艺链进行垂直整合,以全球化的视野来建立全球最大的头枕生产基地,提升我们公司的竞争力和在头枕骨架业务领域的话语权和定价权。为了这个目标我们打算建立一个高效率、高品质、安全性、自动化、智能化的头枕骨架工厂。 A headrest development has been basically finalized, in order to enhance the competitiveness of the company in the US and ensure the headrest business, we need the whole process chain for manufacturing pillow frame vertical integration, a global vision to build the worlds largest pillow production base, improve our companys competitiveness in the field of business and headrest framework voice and pricing. In order to achieve this goal, we intend to set up a high efficiency, high quality, safety, automation, intelligent headrest framework factory. 经过调研,头枕骨架制造主要包括制管、切管、缩口、弯管成型、切槽以及成品电镀这几个步骤。国内目前的弯管的生产节拍是22s-36s,MU<60%,弯管后整形返工和报废率较高。 Through investigation and research, the manufacture of the headrest frame mainly includes the steps of pipe making, pipe cutting, necking, pipe bending, cutting and electroplating. At present, the production time of elbow pipe is 22s-36s, MU 60%, after bending, rework and scrap rate is higher. 我们的目标:建成一个制管线节拍60-70m/min、整个工厂弯管线平均节拍在6.5s-7s,较高MU,质量稳定,公差±0.3mm,无整形、无毛刺的制造工厂,并建立智能化的生产、物流、仓储系统。 Our goal: to build a pipeline system, the whole factory beats 60-70m/min bending line average beat in 6.5s-7s, high MU, stable quality, tolerance + 0.3mm, no surgery, no burr of the manufacturing plant, and the establishment of production, logistics an


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