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阿里巴巴集团财务管控模式分析(毕业资料) 文档信息 主题: 关于“管理或人力资源”中“财务报表”的参考范文。 属性: F-01PR38,doc格式,正文17327字。质优实惠,欢迎下载! 适用: 作为毕业资料网、毕业资料范文写作的参考文献,解决如何写好实用应用文、正确编写文案格式、内容摘取等相关工作。 目录 TOC \o 1-9 \h \z \u 目录 1 正文 1 文1:阿里巴巴集团财务管控模式分析 2 第一章 绪论 4 第二章 概念界定与理论基础 7 第三章 案例选择 7 第四章 阿里巴巴集团财务管控模式分析 8 第五章 统分结合财务管控模式效果分析 9 第六章 结论与启示 9 结论 9 文2:阿里巴巴网站成功模式分析 9 1 阿里巴巴网站的运营模式主要特点 10 2 阿里巴巴的利益点归纳 12 2、1 诚信安全 12 2、2 品牌资质 12 2、3 快捷方便 12 2、4 成本低廉 12 2、5 渠道广阔 13 2、6 海量信息 13 参考文摘引言: 15 原创性声明(模板) 15 文章致谢(模板) 16 正文 阿里巴巴集团财务管控模式分析(毕业资料) 文1:阿里巴巴集团财务管控模式分析 ABSTRACT With the rapid development of economy, enterprises have shown the trend ofcollectivization across industries, regio and even countries The scale of enterprisesis expanding day by day, and the organizational structure is becoming more and morecomplex Due to the existence of principal-agent problems, the management andcontrol of collectivization, especially the scientific and effective problems of financialmanagement and control, has become a prominent issue that affecting the healthy andsustainable development of enterprises Control power is the core competitiveness oflarge enterprise groups But there is a general problem of excessive centralization orexcessive decentralization in the management of enterprise groups in China A modeof finical management and control with moderate centralization or decentralizationhas become the fundamental guarantee for large enterprise groups to maintain theirvigorous vitality As a representative of the emerging internet enterprise group, Alibaba Group has ahuge scale It not only has to face the management problems that brought by theexpaion of the enterprise, but also has to deal with the test of the uncertainty of theexternal environment, technological innovation and the variability of user’s needs,which puts forward a higher requirement for the sicentificity and effectiveness of itsmode of financial management and control In order to meet these challenge,Alibaba#3


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