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语法部分 第十二章 名词性从句 掌握主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句的基本用法。 考纲要求 名词性从句 主语从句 宾语从句 表语从句 主语从句在句中做------ 表语从句在句中做------ 主语 表语 1. That he will come is certain. 3. The truth is that I have been there. 主语从句 表语从句 主语从句:充当主语的句子叫主语从句。 从属连词基本用法 一、that 引导 主语从句 1.that引导主语从句,起连接作用, 不充当成分。 2.主语从句置于句首时, 不能省略连接词。 That he likes books of this kind is very interesting. 他喜欢这种书,这件事非常有趣。 主语从句 that whether who whom whose what which when where why how 从 句 连接词: 1. That he will come to the discussion is certain. . 他来参加讨论是肯定的。 令我惊讶的是在这儿见到他. 3. When he will come is unknown . 4. Whether he is coming doesn’t matter much. 他来不来没什么要紧的 他什么时候来不清楚. 他们是怎么登上山顶的仍是个秘密. 5. It remains a secret how they climbed up the mountain. 主语从句的位置 1.在句首 2.主语较长时通常放在后面,句首主语用 It 主语太长了!放到句尾 That无词义,不可省略 What “什么”, “东西” 2. What surprised me was to see him here . When “什么时候” 主语从句不用 if“是否” 位于句首 What you said about him makes him sad. That you don’t like him makes him sad. 难点1:that与what的区别 What the teacher said had a good effect on the children. It was true (that )Alice did surprised her mother . 1、都起引导作用,放在句首都不可以省略 2、that不充当成分;what在从句中充当成分 3、that无词义;what表示“···的东西/事情/话 ” 1、___ he has become a rich man is known to all in our town. A. Because B. That C. / D. What 有时为避免句子头重脚轻,常用it 代替主语从句作形式主语放于句首,而把主语从句置于句末。 It is a pity that you don’t like him . 主语从句的特殊用法 It 作主语的常用句型有: 1. It is+a+名词+从句 2. It is+形容词+从句 3. It+不及物动词+从句 4. It is+过去分词+从句 It is a pity that we can’t go swimming. It is said that he told her everything. It happened that I was out that day. It is certain that he will do well in the exam. 真可惜我们不能去游泳. 他考试肯定会考好. 碰巧那天我外出了. 据说他已告诉了她一切. 他喜欢这种书,这件事非常有趣。 He likes books of this kind. It’s very interesting. =That he likes books of this kind is very interesting. =It’s very interesting (that) he likes books of this kind. 表语从句 从 句 同主语从句 (11个), 外加as if / 连接词: as though 1. The truth is that he has never been to the countryside. 2. The question is whether we can finish


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