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七年级上册英语作文48203 七年级上册英语作文48203 七年级上册英语作文48203 七年级上册英语作文范文 若是你是 Wang Ming,依据自己的实质状况达成表格。 依据表格的信息用英语写一段话 , 介绍你和你的朋友 Lily 的状况。许多于50词。 Name Age From Clas Grad Telephone s e number Wang Ming Lily 11 Engla 4 7 (010)8769-541 nd 9 参照范文 : Name Age From Class Grade Telephone number WangMing 12 Beijing 3 7 (010)8756-4321 Lily 11 England 4 7 (010)8769-5419 My name is Wang Ming. I am from Beijing. I ’ m twelve years old. I am in Class Three, Grade Seven. My telephone number is(010)8756-4321. Lily is my good friend. She is from England. She is eleven years old. She is in Class Four, Grade Seven. Her telephone number is (010)8769-5419. 写一篇短文把你自己和你的新朋友 David 向大家做一下介绍 , 此中 David 的 状况以下所示: 1. 13 岁 , 来自加拿大; 2. 高个 , 短发;3. 圆脸 , 大鼻子 , 小嘴巴 , 大眼睛; 4. 最喜爱蓝色;穿蓝色上衣和黑色裤子; 5. 在同一年级,但不一样班,是 好朋友。 参照范文 :I have a new friend in my school. His name is David. years old. He is from Canada. He is tall and has short hair. face, a big nose, a small mouth and big eyes. He is in a blue jacket and black pants. His favorite color is blue. We are in the same grade, but in different classes. We are good friends.  He is thirteen He has a round 请依据下边的汉语提示写一篇  50 词左右的短文。 提示:1.  我们常常在下午去英语角  (English Corner)  。我们很喜爱在那边 (there)  说英语。 我们一同帮王刚学英语。 参照范文 : Weoften go to the English corner in the afternoon. I speak English with my classmates. I like English very much. My classmate, Wang Gang, doesn’t speak English  very well.  Weoften  help him at the English  corner. It helps him with English. Kate 来自美国  ,  此刻与父亲母亲一同居住在中国。请联合下表介绍一下她的饮食 喜好以及三餐的吃饭地址  , 许多于  60 个词  (  此中“√”表示喜爱吃的食品  , “×” 表示不喜爱吃的食品  )  。 Meal  Food  Place Breakfast  bread (  √ )  home milk (  √ ) , eggs ( ×) Lunch rice, chicken, school jiaozi Supper fish, cakes, home apples 参照范文 : Kate comes from the U. S. A. She lives in China with her parents. She has breakfast at home. For breakfast, she ’ d like bread and milk. She doesn’t like eggs at all. She has lunch at school. She’d like rice, chicken and jiaozi . She has supper at


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