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新视野大学英语读写教程3(第三版)Unit7课后练习答案 新视野大学英语读写教程3(第三版)Unit7课后练习答案 PAGE / NUMPAGES 新视野大学英语读写教程3(第三版)Unit7课后练习答案 Unit 7 Economy: Power behind everyday life Section A Words in use 3 1 donate 2 spiral 3 termination 4 layoff 5 subsistence 6 spectrum 7 complied 8 reclaimed 9 originated 10 expired Word building 4 Words learned new words formed -ion emit emission omit omission suspend suspension predict prediction distribute distribution corruption corrupt -ity generous generosity formal formality local locality mature maturity peculiar peculiarity liable liability 5 1 emission 2 suspension 3 formalities 4 prediction 5 omissions 6 distribution 7 locality 8 peculiarity 9 corrupting 10 generosity 11 maturity 12 liability Banked cloze 6 1E 2J 3B 4H 5A 6 K 7G 8I 9C 10N Expressions in use 7 1 put down 2 wind up 3 scrape together 4 on the verge of 5 in all likelihood 6 deteriorate into 7 are in a position 8 gave way to Translation 9 世界贸易组织成立于 1995 年 1 月 1 日,旨在监督和促进国际贸易自由化。 该组织负责对成员国之间的贸易进行调控,为贸易协定的谈判和形成制定框架, 并提供争端解决机制以敦促成员国遵守世贸协定, 而这些协定皆为各成员国政府 的代表所签署并获得其立法机构的批准。 每一个申请国加入世贸组织的过程各不 相同,加入的条件取决于该国经济发展的阶段和现行贸易体制。中国在 2001 年 12 月 11 日成为世贸组织成员国,是在经历了漫长的谈判,并按要求对中国经济 作出重大改变之后才得以加入的, 这也意味着中国经济能更深入地融入到世界经 济中。中国加入世贸组织是一项巨大的多边成果, 而对中国而言, 这也标志着其 致力于多边贸易的明确承诺。 10 Shanghai Free Trade Zone is a free trade zone in Shanghai that was launched in 2013 by the Chinese government. Covering an area of 28.78 square kilometers, Shanghai Free Trade Zone is the first of its kind in China ’ s mainland, and is regard as a “ testing ground ” for a number of economic reforms. The establishment of the free trade zone is a significant measure taken to actively promote the opening-up strategy under the new global economic and trade situation. It undertakes a major task to explore new ways and accumulate new experience for the deepening of reform and opening up in an all-round way. As a pilot project, Shanghai Free Trade Zone will become a “ touchstone ” for Chinese economy. It will play an active role in deepening re


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