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2021初中作文:九年级关于2021年疫情的英语作文 各年级关于2021年疫情的作文汇总 关于新型冠状病毒的英语作文 这个寒假,本该热热闹闹的街道上,因为可恶的新型冠状病毒给惹得到处人心惶惶。 This winter vacation, the streets should be bustling, because the new hateful coronavirus to provoke people panic. 因为有了这种病,所有人都只能憋在家里。儿童不能出去玩,年轻人不能出去赚钱,老年人不能出去散步。整天窝在家里,马路上除了几辆车外,显得死气沉沉。 Because of this disease, everyone can only hold back at home. Children cant go out to play, young people cant go out to make money, old people cant go out for a walk. All day long, I stayed at home. Except for a few cars on the road, I was dead. 我家电梯不久前因为冠状病毒做了一次大清洁,电梯里到现在都弥漫着84消毒液的味 Recently, our elevator was cleaned by coronavirus. Up to now, the elevator is filled with the smell of 84 disinfectant, and there is a package of paper on the wall. Cant it express the harm of the disease? 要说危害最大的就数武汉城市了,因为武汉患上这病的人数最多,整个武汉已经封城了。在这病之前,武汉曾经是许多人梦想的城市;但现在,外面的人不愿去武汉,里面的人却想出武汉。 Wuhan is the most dangerous city, because Wuhan has the largest number of people suffering from the disease, and the whole city has been closed. Before the disease, Wuhan used to be a dream city for many people; now, people outside dont want to go to Wuhan, but people inside think of Wuhan. 武汉各医院的床位已经不够患者住了,全国各地有名的医院医生都在往武汉赶去。如果说各个职业人士都安安心心的在家待着。那医生可就不一样了,他们时时刻刻都冒着生命危险在给患者治病,就像战场上的士兵一样,随时都会被死神带走。 The beds of hospitals in Wuhan are not enough for patients. Doctors from famous hospitals all over the country are rushing to Wuhan. If all professionals are at home in peace. The doctors are different. They are always risking their lives to treat patients. Like soldiers on the battlefield, they are always taken away by the God of death. 因为在2021年有一个叫非典的病,再加上现在的新型冠状病毒。许多人认为罪魁祸首是果子狸,但其实不是,经过研究,发现果子狸也是受害者之一,非典是因为菊头蝠传给果子狸,果子狸又传给我们人。 Because in 2021 there was a disease called SARS, plus the new coronavirus. Many people think that the main culprit is civet cat, but in fact, it is not. After research, it is found that civet cat is also one of the victims. SARS is


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