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Lesson 129-130 Seventy Miles an Hour 时速 70 英里 一、根据括号里的提示完成句子 You can t have forgotten me . (forget) He must have been work i ng I ate. (work) Tommy waved to us when we came across the field, (wave) The b I ue car had overtaken the red one i n yesterday s race, (overtake) The restaurant charged us forty pounds for the wine the day before yesterday, (charge) I was carefuI not to say anything about it to the boss, (carefuI Iy) The time passed slowly . (sIow) Amy took my advice and went to the doctor ? s ? (take) We dream of buying our own house, (buy) Alan, we wi I I certa inly he I p you as much as we can. (certa i n) 选词填空 telling readbeenmust can t overtook dreamed wav i ng telling read been must can t overtook dreamed wav i ng at track 1. The man waving to you is my father. 2. We must have red the same book. 3. We wa I ked a I ong a track at the s i de of the field. 4. Peter i s driving at s i xty miles an hour. 5. She can t have I eft ear I y I ast n i ght. 6. He _overtook Tony and won the race. 7. I dreamed that I was i n a boat on a b i g I ake. 8. She can t have been water i ng the garden. 9. You must have been thinking of something. 10 My wife can t be telling the truth. 三、按要求改写句子 ⑴ Ann was telling Gary to drive slowly.(针对划线部分提问) What was Ann telling Gary to do ⑵ I must have been dreaming.(变成否定句) I can, t have been dreaming. ⑶ You d better take your wife s advice.(变成否定句) You d better not take your wife s advice. (4) Tom drove i n the street at seventy miles an hour.(针对戈”线部分 提问) How fast did Tom drive in the street ⑸ That pol iceman is waving to you.(针对划线部分提问) Who is waving to you 四、根据汉语补全句子 1我们一定是走错路了。 We must have taken the wrong road. 2他不可能说过那些话。 He can t have sa i d that. 3我哥哥刚才一定是以每小时80英里的速度开车。 My brother must have been driving at eighty miles an hour . 4他们昨晚准是在搞聚会。 They must have been having a party yesterday even i ng. 5汤姆不可能把它拿上楼了。 Tom can t have taken i t upsta i rs. Lesson 131-132 Don t Be So Sure!别那么肯定! 一、根据括号里的提示完成句子。 She may have made up her mind


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