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第 第 PAGE #页 第 第 PAGE #页 教师姓名 学生姓名 年级 初二 上课时间 学 科 英语 课题名称 宾语从句专题 语序宾语从句三要素连接词易谙巨考纲向工检理时忘否定前移I .概念 语序 宾语从句 三要素 连接词 易谙巨 考纲向工检理 时忘 否定前移 宾语是动作、行为的对象,是动作的承受者。 句子的宾语一般由名词、代词、动名词或动词不定式充当,当一个句子充当宾语时,我们把这个句子叫做宾 语从句。 I like my teacher.(名词作宾语) I know him.(代词作宾语) I enjoy playing basketball .(动名词作宾语) I decide to study hard .(不定式作宾语) We know that Yao Ming is a famous basketball player. 宾语从句就是由一个句子来构成主句的宾语,并有一个连接词引导。 n .分类 .动词的宾语从句 He asked whose handwriting was the best. .介词的宾语从句 It depends on whether it is going to rain. .形容词的宾语从句,即系词+心理状态形容词+宾语 I am afraid that he cant finish the work. m.三要素 一、语序 宾语从句的语序应为陈述句的语序。即主语 +谓语的顺序。如: I hear (that) physics isn t easy. I think (that) you will like this school soon. Can you tell me how I can get to zoo? Please tell me when we ll have the meeting. 注意:在宾语从句中带有特殊疑问词但句序不变的句子: What s the matter with you?/ What your problem?/ What s up? Who is sing?Which is the way to the station?【例】Can you tell me? What s the matter with you?/ What your problem?/ What s up? Who is sing? Which is the way to the station? 【例】 Can you tell me? A. whom do we have to see C. who do we have to see The teacher asked the students what they were doing C. where will they go Key: BA s wrong with you?/ What happened to you?/ What whom we have to see D. which was the way to the station B. what were they doing D. where would they go s your trouble 二、时态 .若主句时态是一般现在时,宾语从句该用什么时态就用什么时态。即从句可用所需任何时态,如: I don t think (that) you are right. Can you tell me how I can get to the railway station? He says Mary is playing with the cat . He says Mary often plays with the cat. He says Mary will play with the cat. .如果主句的时态是一般过去时,宾语从句只能用相应的过去时态(一般过去时, 过去进行时,过去 将来时,过去完成时),如: He asked what time it was. He told me that he was preparing for the sports meet. He asked if you had written to Peter. He said that he would go back to the U.S. soon. 【注意】直接引语变间接引语时态的变化: He said, “ Mary is playing with the cat.f He said Mary was playing with the cat. He said, “ he will go back to China soonr? He s aid



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