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.(p73)Jeffs family is having a yard sale. have a yard sale举行一次庭院旧货出售 .(p73) because they bring back sweet memories. bring back带回(某人或某物);还回(某物);回忆[回顾,回想起](往事); 使(某人)恢复(某状态) memory 一、 可以做可数名词和不可数名词 记忆力、记性 All the details of the meeting are fresh in my memory... 我对会议的所有细节都记忆犹新。 二、可数名词 记忆、记忆中的事物、回忆 She cannot bear to watch the film because of the bad memories it brings back... 她看不了那部电影,因为它会勾起一些痛苦的回忆。 三、单数名词(对死者的)怀念,记忆 .(p73)You can also give old things away to people in need. give away第二单元就接触过的动词短语,再复习一遍! 一、赠送 e.g.He was giving his collection away for free. 他正在无偿捐赠他的收藏。 二、泄露【暂不要求掌握】 e.g.She would give nothing away. 她什么也不会泄露。 同学们应该注意的是,同样是 give away sth”但位置会有所不同。但sth.是代词 的时候放在give和away之间,例如me, nothing之类的,而sth是名词时位置可 以放在中间,也可以放在之后。 .(p74)Amy s mom has had the old bread maker for a long time. maker本义制造商、制作者,还可以指上帝,造物主 bread maker直译就是面 包机 e.g. The computer maker Lenovo is often touted as a product of Chinas unconventional business environment. 电脑制造企业联想经常被吹捧为中国非传统企业环境下的产物。 My boy is such a mischief maker. 我的儿子是个捣蛋鬼。 To be innovative, imaginative, creative, and free, the child needs to be out of control of its maker. 为了创新,为了富有想象力、创造力和自由,孩子需要脱离其制造者【其实也就 是父母】的控制。 Those are both actively solicited the views of consumers, and has a technology visionary enterprise, we call it a market maker . 那些既积极听取消费者意见,又具有技术前瞻性的企业,我们称其“市场创造者”。 You know Toro, if you know the company at all, as a maker of lawn mowers and tractors. 知道托罗吧,如果你了解这个公司,就知道它是割草机和拖拉机制造商。 H-P isnt the only PC maker trying to boost falling desktop sales. 惠普并非唯 个想拯救台式电脑销售颓势的电脑制造商。 .(p74)And checkout these soft toys and board games for young kids. check out 一、结账退房;结账离开(诊所);给?一办理结账手续 They packed and checked out of the hotel... 他们收拾好东西,办理了退房手续。 I was disappointed to miss Bryan, who had just checked out... 我非常失望没有见着布赖恩,他刚退房走了。 Id like to check him out of here the day after tomorrow. 我想后天帮他办理手续,结账离开这里。 二、了解清楚;核实;查实 We should check him out on the computer... 我们理应在电脑上查清他的资料。 .(p74)There s also a sweater and a dress. there be句型后接单数


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