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Unit 4 When is the art show? PEP 五年级下册 课时 1 Let’s try Let’s talk Let’s try √ Let’s talk Mr Jones:There are some other special days in May. Zhang Peng:What are they? Mr Jones:The school art show and the reading festival. Zhang Peng:When the art show ? Mr Jones:It’s on May 1st. Zhang Peng:It’s May Day. When is the reading festival? Mr Jones: It’s on May 5th. Zhang Peng:Wow! May is fun! Let’s talk Q1 Read and Answer When is the art show ? When is reading festival? Q2 special /speʃl/ adj. 特殊的;特别的 知识点1 例句:This is a special present for my mother. 这是给我妈妈的一份特别的礼物。 —When is the art show ? 艺术节在什么时候? —It’s on May 1st. 在5月1日。 知识点2 考向 问句:When is+节日? 答句:It’s on+具体日期. 询问“节日在什么时候?”的句型及回答 例句:—When is New Year’s Day? 新年是什么时候? —It’s on January 1st. 它在1月1日。 读日期的时候序数词前要加定冠词“the”。 例如:10月3日→ October 3rd  读作:October the third 如何读英语日期 团队合作:找朋友。 小组内分成AB两队,A队人拿节日卡片,B队人拿节日日期卡片。 A队成员根据自己手中的卡片提问“When is ...”,B队拿相应日期的成员回答“It’s on ...”,两人即完成任务。 一、根据图片用When is...? Its...编对话。 (1) —____________________________ —____________________________ (2) —____________________________ —____________________________ When is Chinas National Day? Its on October 1st. When is Childrens Day? Its on June 1st. 二、补全对话。 A: Are there any ________(1) days in May? B: Yes, there are. A: ________(2) B: Mothers Day and the sports meet. B E A. second  B. special C. on  D. I like May. E. What are they? A: Is Mothers Day on the third Sunday in May? B: No, its on the ________(3) Sunday in May. A: When is the sports meet? B: Its ________(4) May 15th. A: Hooray! ________(5) A C D A. second  B. special C. on  D. I like May. E. What are they? 本节课我们学习了以下知识,请同学们一定加强巩固,以便能和同学们进行灵活交流哦! 重点词汇:special, fool, 重点句式: —When is the art show ? —It’s on May 1st. 1 将Let’s talk的对话朗读流利。 2 完成配套的课后作业。 听力原文 返回 Mr Jones: When is the sports meet, Zhang Peng? Zhang Peng: It’s on April 4th. Mr Jones: It’s


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