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微写作 必修三 unit1 [写作素材] 有些节日是因为农业原因而产生。 有些是为了纪念重要事件,比如纪念一个国家的独立或名人的出生。 无论原因是什么,节日就意味着穿漂亮衣服、吃大餐。 人们都盼望过节。 提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。[连句成篇]50词左右的英语短文。 Some festivals take place for agricultural reasons and other are in memory of important events,such as the independence of a country or the arrival of a famous person. Whatever the reasons are, festival usually mean beautiful clothing and feasts and people look forward to them. 必修三 unit2 [写作素材] Julie 想减肥。 她知道她应该均衡饮食。 他没有咨询医生而是只吃生蔬菜。 很快,他发现自己精力越来越差,容易疲劳。 她对减肥失去了信心。 提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。[连句成篇]50词左右的英语短文。 Julie wanted to lose weight. She knew she ought to have a balanced diet but she didn’t consult the doctor and lived on raw vegetables. Soon she found she was not energetic and got tired easily and lost heart. 必修三Unit 3 [写作素材] 昨天,我在街上溜达时无意中碰见了我的邻居。 她开始向我诉说我妈养我有多不容易。 说实话,我不想让她继续说下去。 不是我不礼貌 相反,我不想回忆起那段痛苦的日子。 提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。[连句成篇]50词左右的英语短文。 Yesterday ,I was wandering in the street when I met my neighbor by accident. She began to tell me the great difficulty my mum had bringing me up. To be honest,I didn’t want her to go ahead with the story. It was not because I had rude manners. On the contrary, I didn’t want to recall that painful memory. 必修三Unit 4 [写作素材] 恐龙在地球上存活了好多年。 他们生下小恐龙,温暖的气候使他们迅速繁殖。 可惜,他们未能制止自己的消失。 此后人类就开始统治这个地球。 提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。[连句成篇]50词左右的英语短文。 Dinosaurs existed on the earth for a long time. They gave birth to young babies and the warm climate helped them multiply quickly. Sadly, they couldn’t prevent themselves from disappearing and then it was the turn of the humans to control the earth. 必修三Unit 5 [写作素材] 在整个旅途中,孩子们都静不下来。 他们几乎一路都在高兴的交谈着。 当他们看到远处的红枫叶时,禁不住激动的尖叫起来。 提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。[连句成篇]50词左右的英语短文。 During the whole trip, children found it hard to settle down. They chatted merrily all the way. When they caught sight of the red maple leaves in the distance, the couldn’t help screaming excitedly.



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