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PAGE PAGE # / 17 PAGE PAGE # / 17 黄浦区2020学年度第一学期高三年级期终调研测试 英语试卷 2020年12月(完卷时间:120 2020年12月 第I卷(共100分) l? LiStening COmPrehenSiOn SeCt i On A DireCt ions: In SeC tio nA, you v/ i I I hear ten ShOr t con VerSa tion S be twee nt WO SPeakerS ? At the end Of each conversation, a question Wi I I be asked aboUt What WaS Said? The COnVerSations and the questiOnS WilI be SPOken OnIy once. After you hear a COnVerSation and the question aboUt it, read the four POSSibIe ansv/ers On your paper, and decide WhiCh One is the best anSWer to the question you have heard? A. BrOther and SiSter? C. HUSband and Wi fe? A. A Wa i ter. B. A manager? A. He enjoys eating it. C. He PreferS fr i ed SeafOOd? Father and daughter. D? MOther and son. A Sa I esman? D. A barber. He CareS Iittle for it. D? He doesnt WarTt to taste it. 4. A. The goods there Were On Sale I ast v/eekend. Its the WOmans favour i te ShOPP i ng ma I I. ItSOld OUt 50% Of the goods IaSt weekend. D. Its the CheaPeSt ShOPP ing ma I I nearby. A. The WOman isn^t Satisfied With her ClOthes Style? The WOman is most PrObably Pregnant. The v/oman doesn, t Iike the new fami I y member. The v/oman is trying her best to IOSe Weight? A. ItiS the Only PrOPerty She has? Her father asked her not tOSell it. She inher i ted it from hi S father. PAGE PAGE #/17 PAGE PAGE #/17 She has noWhere to IiVe after SeIling it. A. Calla repai rman to COme at Once. CheCk the Sink in the kitChen first? CIear UP the kitChen rιght now? D? StOP the Water from running immediately. A. She IOSt her PUrSe?She failed to attend the COnCert? A. She IOSt her PUrSe? She failed to attend the COnCert? Cl i SCOUnt? A. FiniSh CheCking her reference? C. PUt the mater i a I i n Order? A. The WOman enjoyed the movie Very The v/oma n d i d nt S I eep Wel I because She forgot to br i ng CaSh? She WaS Unable to get the StUdent COmP Iete the research? Start typing the PaPer? much ? f the movie? The Inan asked the WOman to be CarefU I at n ight? D.The maninvite


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