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PAGE PAGE # T同步-U2基础知识梳理(建议2-5分钟) T同步-U2基础知识梳理 (建议2-5分钟) 学员编号: 年 级:小五 课时数:3 学员姓名:YYY 辅导科目:英语 学科教师:XX 授课类型 M2U2(牛津5B)基础知识梳理 星 级 ★★★ 教学目标 1、使学生能够基本掌握牛津英语五年级下册 unit2中的基础词汇及重要句型; 2、掌握 which, shall 用法 批注:可询问学生周末通常做什么,然后由图片导入本课主题一一电影。 (建议20-25分钟) 想学得更多就必须先扫开单词障碍! Ready, go!!! 、词汇Words ticket 票 I have three tickets for the film Snow White. 批注:本课重点单词, office四年级已经学过,ticket office就是售票处 拓展:book a ticket 订票 、2. entrance 入口 An entrance is a way in. ,有助于他们记忆。此外,还要提醒他们一个批注:有学生总是混淆两个单词的意思,可让学生自己观察校区的指示牌 入口用不定冠词 an。 ,有助于他们记忆。此外,还要提醒他们一个 W 3. exit 出口 An exit is a way out. 批注:参照 entrance t 4. seat 座位 There are two hundred seats in the hall. 批注:seat=s+eat这样有助于单词记忆。可让学生说出自己的记忆方法。 5. cinema 电影院 There is a cinema near our school. 批注:要求学生会拼写,如果是某个电影院的名字,要大写首字母。如 City Cinema 成 7a 一、重要句型 Important Sentences structures ……… 1. Shall we see…? 我们去看 …好吗? 用来征求意见,提出建议等。 批注:shall后接动词原形,这是一些学生容易出错的地方。要提醒他们特别注意。 拓展:接动词原形的词有: shall, let,情态动词 should, must, can等,以及助动词 do/don, tdoes/doesn did/ didn 后。 2. I want to see… 我想看… 本文用于表达自己喜欢看什么电影。 I want to see Snow White. 批注: 注息 want 用法, want sth./want to do sth. 拓展:和would like 用法相同。但是 would没有人称和数的变化。讲到 would like用法时还可讲一下和 like的 用法区别 like doing sth. Which film do you want to see? 你想看哪一部电影? which提问,而且 which后要紧跟名词。 which提问,而且 which后要紧跟名词。 如:I want the big apples. Which apples do you want? (建议5-10分钟) ( )1. Nine pupils and a teacher go to the park on Sunday. A. like to B. likes to C. liking ( )2. He would like to a letter this afternoon. A. post B. posting C. posts ( )3.The dog likes bones. A. eating B. eats C. ate ( )4. Ben and Kitty wanted their homework. A. do B. to do C. doing ( )5. Shall we go to see a film tomorrow? A. Thats right B. Thats all right. C. Thats great. ( )6. Tom, shall we a kite in the park tomorrow. A flies B fly C flying ( )7. I have two tickets Rabbit Run. Can you go me? A. of, for B. for, for C. for, with ( )8. An exit is the way and an entrance is the way A. in - out B. out …in C. on …in ( )9. Let me the food for you. A. buy B. bou


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