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- -1 - 一 一 1 - 中国海洋大学本科生课程大纲 课程名称 法语写作I French Writing I 课程代码 050704101253 课程属性 必修 课时/学 分 32/2 课程性质 工作技能 实践学时 责任教师 外教 课外学时 课程属性:公共基础/通识教育/学科基础/专业知识/工作技能,课程性质:必修、选修 一、课程介绍 .课程描述(中英文): 本课程是工作技能层面的必修课,先修课程为中级法语II。教学对象是本院法语 专业三年级本科生以及兄弟院系达到相应法语水平并具备相应法语交际能力的本科 生。开始本课程学习时; 学生应该已经掌握约5000单词,有扎实的法语语法、词汇和 文化基础,并具备较好的法语阅读能力,在听、说、读、写等方面达到了中级水平, 能够借助工具书阅读各类法语资料并具备较好的书面表达能力。 本课程旨在培养学生使用法语撰写功能性较强的应用文和专业性较强的研究型论 文的能力,发展和强化笔语输出能力,具有较强的专业性和实践意义。本课程将以政 治认同、国家意识、文化自信和公民人格为重点的顶层内容体系构架,加强文化育人、 实践育人作用,通过对比中、法写作思路、角度、表达方式的异同,掌握法语写作的 特点以及法语母语者的写作思路,知己知彼;学习社会主义核心价值观相关的地道的 法语表达,用法语母语者能理解的方式表达中国精神。培养能够在国际上为中国发声 的合格外语人才。 This course is a required course at the level of work skills, and the prerequisite course is intermediate French IL The teaching objects are the third year students of French major in our college and the undergraduates who have reached the corresponding French level and have the corresponding French communication ability. At the beginning of the course, students should have mastered about 5000 words, have a solid foundation of French grammar, vocabulary and culture, and have good French reading ability. They have reached the intermediate level in listening, speaking, reading and writing. They can read all kinds of French materials with the help of reference books and have good written expression ability. The purpose of this course is to cultivate students* ability to write practical articles and research papers with strong functions in French, develop and strengthen the output ability of written language, which has strong professional and practical significance. This course will focus on political identity, national consciousness, cultural self-confidence and civic personality as the top-level content system framework, strengthen the role of culture education and practice education, through the compaiison of Chinese and French writing ideas, angles, expression, master the characteristics of French writing and the writing ideas of French native speakers, know yourself and know



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