技术服务合同 中英文版.doc

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合同编号: 技术服务合同 Contract for Technical Service 项目名称Project Name: 委 托 方Commissioning Party: (甲 方Party A) 受 托 方Commissioned Party: (乙 方 Party B) 签订时间Signed on: 签订地点Signed at: 有效期限Validity Period: 中华人民共和国科学技术部印制 Printed by Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China 填 写 说 明 一、本合同为中华人民共和国科学技术部印制的技术服务合同示范文本,各技术合同认定登记机构可推介技术合同当事人参照使用。 1. This is the sample for the technical service contract printed by Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China. The technology contracts registry organs can recommend the sample to parties concerned in technology contracts for reference. 二、本合同书适用于一方当事人(受托方)以技术知识为另一方(委托方)解决特定技术问题所订立的合同。 2. Technical service contracts refer to contracts whereby one party undertakes to solve specific technical problems by using its technical expertise for the other party. 三、签约一方为多个当事人的,可按各自在合同关系中的作用等,在“委托方”、“受托方”项下(增页)分别排列为共同委托人或共同受托人。 3. If there are several representatives in either party, Party A or Party B can list them respectively as common commissioning party or common commissioned party in the “Commissioning Party” or “Commissioned Party” provisions (addition page) according to their role in the contractual relationship. 四、本合同书未尽事项,可由当事人附页另行约定,并作为本合同的组成部分。 4. Any issue not stipulated in this contract can be listed in the appendix in accordance with the parties’ negotiations and the appendix constitutes an integral part of this contract. 五、当事人使用本合同书时约定无需填写的条款,应在该条款处注明“无”等字样。 5. As for terms that have no needs to be filled in this contract as agreed by the parties, they should be indicated with the word “N/A”. 技术服务合同 Contract for Technical Service 委托方 Commissioning Party(甲方Party A): 住 所 地Location:


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