新外研版高中英语课堂总结课件:必修1 UNIT 6.3 writing.pptVIP

新外研版高中英语课堂总结课件:必修1 UNIT 6.3 writing.ppt

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高中英语 必修1 Unit 6 At one with nature Unit 6 At one with nature expert (1)adj. 内行的,专家的 (2)n. 专家,行家 【教材原句】 Expert gardeners know just the right corner for roses... 专业的园丁知道玫瑰生长的最佳位置…… 【要点必记】 an expert at/on/in 在……方面的专家/ 行家 be expert at/in(doing)在(做)……方面在行 seek expert advice/an expert opinion 征求专家意见 a medical/technical /financial expert 医学/ 技术/ 金融专家 单句语法填空 (1)Linda is expert      finding useful information about study. (2)He is expert      computer software. 单句写作 (3)Our headmaster is               (是……方面的专家)education. (4)It is said that the old man               (在……方面很在行)repairing all kinds of cars. (5)The centre provides          (专家咨询)for people with financial problems. in/at   in/at    an expert in   is expert in expert advice 词汇三  beauty n.[U]美,美丽;[C]美人,美好的东西 【教材原句】 ...some are happy just to sit under the branches of the trees and enjoy the beauty of the world around them. ……也有些人很乐意坐在树枝下欣赏他们周围世界的美丽。 【要点必记】 the beauty of the sunset/poetry/his singing 落日/ 诗作/ 他的歌声之美 an area of outstanding natural beauty 一个自然风景极美的地区 a woman of great beauty 一个大美人 【归纳拓展】 有抽象名词具体化用法的常见名词: beauty 美丽 a beauty 一个美人/ 美丽的事物 failure 失败 a failure 一个失败的人或事 surprise 吃惊,惊奇 a surprise 一件意想不到的事 success 成功 a success 一个成功的人/ 一件成功的事 单句写作 (1)Millions of dollars are spent each year on          (美容产品). (2)She was considered            (大美人)in her youth. (3)我认为我不是一个失败者,因为失败是成功之母。  _________________________________________________________ beauty products    I don’t think I’m a failure for failure is the mother of success.  a great beauty   词汇四  limited adj. 有限的 【教材原句】 But in cities,limited space has led to people looking for new solutions. 但是在城市里,有限的空间促使人们寻找新的解决方案。 ( 1)limited resources/time 有限的资源 / 时间 limited number/amount 有限的数量 (be of)limited use/value 作用有限/ 价值有限 limited ability 能力有限 (2)limit n. vt. 限制 set a limit to/on 限制,控制 within(the)limits 不超出限度 There is no/a limit to/on... ……是无限的/ 有限的。 limit...to... 把……限定在…… be limited to 限定在…… 单句语法填空 (


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