新外研版高中英语必修3夯基:Unit4 Amazing art Developing ideas 课件.ppt

新外研版高中英语必修3夯基:Unit4 Amazing art Developing ideas 课件.ppt

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6. 这幅画是力量、速度和成功的象征。 The painting is ____________power, speed and success. ? 7. 总而言之, 这幅画是天才的杰作, 马的形象和它展现的精神令人惊叹。 ___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________? the symbol of In a word, the painting is really a work of genius and the images of the horses and the spirits it shows are amazing. ·句式升级 8. 用定语从句改写句2 ________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________? 9. 用not only. . . but also. . . 合并句5和句6 _________________________________________________________________ _________________________? Xu Beihong was a well-known Chinese artist who was most famous for his Chinese ink and wash paintings of horses. The painting not only shows the strength of the horses but also is the symbol of power, speed and success. 完美成篇   The Six Horses is a famous painting drawn by Xu Beihong, a well-known Chinese artist who was most famous for his Chinese ink and wash paintings of horses.   This painting, a combination of Chinese ink and wash techniques with Western painting skills, is considered as one of the most famous paintings in China. With various positions, the six horses in the painting are vivid, graceful and active. The painting not only shows the strength of the horses but also is the symbol of power, speed and success.   In a word, the painting is really a work of genius and the images of the horses and the spirits it shows are amazing. 【话题拓展】 1. 话题特点   对艺术作品的描写, 来源于我们对某一件艺术作品的观察及了解, 需用真实灵动的语言将其创作背景、特点及意义表达出来。 2. 话题词汇 (1)famous      著名的 (2)show 表达, 表现 (3)describe 描述 (4)one of the most important. . . 最重要的……之一 (5)to one’s surprise 令某人惊讶的是 (6)It is said that. . . 据说…… (7)be good at/do well in. . . 在……方面擅长 (8)be considered as 被认为…… (9)at home and abroad 国内外 (10)speak highly of 高度评价 3. 话题句式 (1)作品特点 ①It is a famous painting drawn by Wu Daozi, one of the greatest artists in Tang Dynasty. 这幅名画是由吴道子画的, 他是唐朝最伟大的画家之一。 ②The painting vividly reflects the li


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