新外研版高中英语必修3:Unit3 The world of science Period2 Understanding ideas 课件.ppt

新外研版高中英语必修3:Unit3 The world of science Period2 Understanding ideas 课件.ppt

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5. in terms of 就……来说, 用……话来说, 根据 【观察?悟】 ※How do the two techniques compare in terms of application? (话题典句) 这两种手法实际运用起来哪个好一些? ※In terms of quantity, production grew faster than ever before. (话题典句) 从数量上看, 产量增长的速度比以往任何时期都要快。 ※He referred to your work in terms of high praise. 他对你的工作大加赞扬。 【知识延伸】 In. . . terms      在……方面 In the long term 从长远来看 【内化?用】 ①Paris has played a dominant role in France, not just __ _______ _____ but also in economic power.   不仅仅在政治方面, 而且在经济实力上巴黎在法国也 都一直处于支配地位。 ②It can not be measured __ _____ __ ______. 这是不能用金钱衡量的。 in political terms in terms of money ③ The agreement should have very positive results __ ___ ____ _____. 从长远来看, 这个协议将会产生非常积极的影响。 in the long term 【备选要点】 1. what’s more 而且, 更重要的是 【观察?悟】 ※He is clever, and what’s more, he works hard. 他很聪明, 而且学习很努力。 ※The car broke down when I was driving home from work, and what’s worse, it was pouring with rain. 下班的路上, 我的汽车坏了, 更糟糕的是, 天下着大雨。 ※What’s more, the public seems to support increasing government spending in these areas 更重要的是, 公众似乎支持在这些领域增加政府开支。 【生成?得】 what’s worse表示“___________”, 相当于worse still, to make things worse, to make the matter worse, even worse, 作_________。 更糟糕的是 插入语用 【内化?用】 ①____________, I even didn’t know which day is your birthday! ? 更糟糕的是, 我甚至不知道你的生日是哪天! ②____________, I’m happy to help other people who need help. ? 更重要的是, 我很开心去帮助需要帮助的人。 What’s worse What’s more 2. lead to 引起, 导致, 造成 【观察?悟】 ※Too much work and too little rest often leads to illness. (话题典句)过度的劳累加上太少的休息常使人得病。 ※He walks with a stick but still leads his soldiers into battle. 他虽然拄着拐杖, 但依然带领士兵们投入战斗。 ※Salesmen do their best to lead people on to buy things they do not need. (话题典句) 生意人尽力怂恿人们买他们并不需要的东西。 ※All roads lead to Rome. (话题典句) 条条大道通罗马。 【生成?得】 (1)lead to中to为_____, 后接名词或动词-ing形式。 (2)lead sb. to/into sp. __________________ (3)lead sb. to ___ sth. 引导、带领、怂恿某人做什么 =lead sb. into doing sth. 介词 把某人带到(进)某处 do 【内化?用】 ①Lack of exercise ____ ____ __ feelings of depression and exhaustion. 缺乏锻炼会导致抑郁和疲劳。 ②Mot



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