[实用参考]Reading 语法点.ppt

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二、用方框内短语的适当形式填空(每个短语限用一次)。 take up, remind ... of ..., on one’s feet, lack of, sweep up, in no time, ???? lose sight of, catch sight of, slide into ? 1. Everything is ready. We can begin ???? ____________. ?2. Tom couldn’t buy that bike he wanted ???? because of a _____________ money. 3. Though the train drove away, she stood there until she ____________ it. in no time lack of lost sight of take up, remind ... of ..., on one’s feet, lack of, sweep up, in no time, lose sight of, catch sight of, slide into 4. After graduation, he wanted to ________ a job as a photographer. 5. She was caught _________ the garden and picking a flower. 6. Lisa was _____________ the pieces of ???? paper and broken glass. take up sliding into sweeping up 7. No sooner had the question been asked than he was ___________ to reply. 8. ______________ the policeman, the thief ran away as fast as he could. 9. The story _________ me _________ the small village where I lived when I was young. take up, remind ... of ..., on one’s feet, lack of, sweep up, in no time, ???? lose sight of, catch sight of, slide into on his feet Catching sight of reminded of 三、根据括号内的提示翻译下列句子。 他一连看了三个小时的电视。(keep on doing sth. ) 2. 因为吃了些坏鱼,他第二天早晨感到胃痛。(as a result of ) 3. 大学毕业后他开始写小说。(take up ) For three hours he kept on watching TV. As a result of eating some bad fish, he had a stomachache the next morning. He took up writing novels after graduating from university. 4. 虽然缺钱,他还是设法让他的妹妹去 上学。(lack ) 5. 当爷爷睡着的时候, 小汤姆溜出了房间。 (slide out ) 6. 工作了一整天之后, 他们很快就睡熟了。 (fast asleep ) He managed to send his sister to school though he lacked money. Little Tom slid out of the room when his grandfather was sleeping. They soon fell fast asleep after a full day’s work. 7. 我乍一看以为是马力,但实际是他的胞弟马 强。(at first sight) 8. 这本书对这些学生来说太难理解了。(take in ) 9. 这种药物帮助她康复了。(be back on one’s feet) At first


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