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委托代理进口协议(中英文) IMPORT AGENT SERVICE AGREEMENT 托付代理进口协议 甲、乙双方本着公平互利、共同进展的原那么,经友好协商,自愿签定本协议: After frie ndly n egotiati ons betwee n the Parties and accord ing to the “ Ten tative Provisions on System of Foreign Trade Agency 〞 promulgated by the former PRC Mini stry of Econo mic and Trade, Party A and Party B have reached the follow ing agreeme nt: 一、甲方全权托付乙方代理进口产品及报关,担当乙方根据其指示或经其同意而进展操作的一切后果。 Party A hereby appo ints Party B as Party As import age nt to provide import age nt services . 二、甲方应在实际进口之前将进口具体方案告之乙方,并供应产品的品名、数量、重 量、价格、产地、贸易国及HS编码,以便乙方准时开头预备工作。甲方应保证上述资料完好精确,并做到单货相符、单单相符、单证相符。假设因甲方供应信息有误或延迟而造成额外费用,甲方应担当全部责任。 Party A shall provide to Party B such detailed docume nts as the bill of ladi ng and list of Goods to be imported indicating the prices, quantity, specifications, purposes and additi onal docume nts as requested by the compete nt authorities on a case by case basis. Party A shall immediately after arrival of the Goods at the port provide the releva nt docume nts to Party B. Party A shall in struct the exporter and en sure that the exporter issues a proper and complete set of customs cleara nee docume nts such as commercial in voices, pack ing lists, bills of ladi ng 〔or airway bills, etc. to the effect that all docume nts are con siste nt with each other and that all docume nts are con siste nt with the con diti ons of the Goods. The customs cleara nee shall be made according to the facts. If it is found that the documents are not consistent with the Goods, Party A shall bear the releva nt liabilities. 三、甲方应主动协作乙方做好通关手续〔随时供应海关所需资料〕,并供应必要帮助。 Party A shall be present at the inspection site designated by the customs authorities. 四、甲方应在每票操作完毕后付给乙方进口代理费,代理费按进口合同金额的取,假设 ***% 收缺乏人民币***元,那么按人民币***元收取。 The Parties herewith agree that for the provision of the aforementioned Import Agent Services Party A shall pay Party B an import agency fee ( “ Agency Fees 〞) for each import of Goods. The Agency Fee for each import shall be calculated as zero point five percent (0.


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