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委托投资协议中英文 托付投资协议 Entrusted Investment Agreement 甲方〔托付人〕: Party A (The grantor): 身份证号ID No.: 乙方〔受托人〕: Party B (the trustee): 身份证号ID No.: 依据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国公司法》以及英国证券相关法律法规,甲、乙达成如下协议。 Subject to Contract Law of Peoples Republic of China,Company Law of Peoples Republic of Chin a and relevant laws and regulations relating to UK securities, Party A and Party B enter into the fo llowing agreement 一、托付事项 Entrusted matters 甲方将全权托付李忠全先生收买其英国雅惠生态农业集团PLC〔YAHUI AGRICULTURE PLC〕的英国股票股,其股票认购投资款共计人民币元,每笔交易不低于500股,每股价格根据前2个交易日的平均价〔在2014年5月9号挂牌当天,认购其股票,将享受每股折合人民币7元/股的股原始股配售价,每人仅限10000股〕计算。现甲方将该股票投资款全部托付给乙方管理,托付乙方严格根据英国天富资本〔英国保荐商〕的要求,在海外进展股权登记、过户等交割手续,使其持有英国农业集团PLC〔AGRICULTURE PLC〕股份。 Party A will fully authorize Mr. Zhongquan Li to subscribe for ……….. UK shares of YAHUI AGRICULTURE PLC. Total investment of share subscription is RMB Yuan, with each transaction not less than 500 shares. The price of each share is the average price of 2 prior trading days (on the listing date-9th May, 2014, the investor will enjoy the price of original share 7 Yuan/share and each investor is limited to subscribe 10,000 shares that day ). Now Party A is authorizing Party B to manage the investment in share subscription, to complete the registration, transfer and other delivery process relating to shares and to ensure Party A hold the shares of YAHUI AGRICULTURE PLC 八、生效及其他 Validity and others 本协议由双方签字和支付后即生效。本协议一式两份,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。 The agreement will come into force after being signed and payment has been made. The agreemen t includes two copies and each party holds one copy separately. Two copies has the equal legal eff ect. 甲方Party A:乙方Party B: 协议签订日期:年月日 Date:


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