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-这么说你回来住了 -是的 - Youre back, then? - Yes. 她到利物浦的奶奶家去了 Shes gone to her grans in Liverpool. 凯利就死在利物浦 我一直不懂她为什么会在那 Kelly died in Liverpool and I never knew why she was there. 明天有场婚礼 Theres this wedding tomorrow. 我可以带个人去 Im allowed to bring someone. 要是你能去就好了 I would love it if it was you. 好的 没问题 Yeah, of course. 你让人根本读不懂 You dont make sense at all. 你本有一段正经的感情 Youve had one proper relationship in your life 然后因为他背叛了你 那段感情破裂了 and then that broke up because he cheated on you 你居然还要去参加他的婚礼 and you are still going to his new wedding! 但真正过日子的 When it comes down to it, 只有我们两个 全情投入 你和我 itll just be us. Total commitment. You and me. 我们教堂见 See you at the church. 你确定你愿意嫁给利亚姆吗 Are you sure? That you want to marry Liam? 我为什么不嫁给他 Why wouldnt I marry him? 好的 Ok. 有什么理由让我不这么做吗 Is there any reason I shouldnt? 他没有打给你吗 Hasnt he called you? 他的朋友给他介绍了一份纽约的工作 His friends found him some work in New York. 他要搬走了 Hes moving. 但你不觉得这样有点过了吗 But do you think all this is a bit much, 他现在在经历那么多 with what hes going through? 我很抱歉 Im sorry. 都忘了吧 Forget it all. 我还是你的盖尔 Im still your Gail. 你会不会就想要大喊 You ever want to just scream? 一直都想 All the time. 请起立 Please be upstanding. 请坐 Please be seated. -准备好了 -是的 - All right? - Yeah. 亲爱的朋友们 你们一同来到教堂之中 Dearly beloved, you have come together into the house of the Church 在牧师与周围亲友的见证下 so that, in the presence of the Churchs minister and the community, 让你们双方进入婚姻殿堂的意愿 your intention to enter into marriage 得到上帝的神圣许可 may be strengthened by the Lord with a sacred seal. 利亚姆 你为步入婚姻而来 Liam, have you come here to enter into marriage 不是被迫 是心甘情愿的 全心全意的 without coercion, freely and wholeheartedly? 是的 I have. 汉娜 你为步入婚姻而来 Hannah, have you come here to enter into marriage 不是被迫... without coercion...? 是心甘情愿的 全心全意的 ..freely and wholeheartedly? 汉娜 Hannah? 我不知道你梦见了什么 Dont know what you were dreaming about, 但听起来非常刺hearts;激hearts; but it sounded very exciting. 我把伊薇弄醒了 还没给她换尿布 Ive got Evie up, havent done her nappy, 我想还是你来吧 你的咖啡在那 I thought Id leave that to you. Your coffees ther



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