Rick and Morty《瑞克和莫蒂(2013)》第四季第六集完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Rick and Morty《瑞克和莫蒂(2013)》第四季第六集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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meta一词的确切含义有些微妙,限于译者的表达和理解能力,保留不译,请有兴趣的观众们自行查找解释。 meta:通常译作“元”,指更高视角下的事物本身,比如这里身处故事中的Rick和Morty在给自己编故事。 Tickets, please. 请出示票hearts;据hearts; Barkeep. A drink for my colleague. 服务员 给我的同伴倒杯酒 Do I know you? 我认识你么 I know the only reason to travel by train 我知道坐火车出行的唯一原因 is to travel with weapons. 就是便于带武器 And we all know that at the end of this line, 而我们都知道 这旅途的尽头 theres only one creature worth killing. 只有一种生物值得被杀死 The man in the white coat. 那个穿白大褂的人 May as well take turns exchanging stories. 不如轮流交流些故事 Mine begins on planet Ramamama. 我的是在Ramamama星球开始的 Lower him into acid. 把他降进酸水里 Once hes dissolved, lower someone else into acid. 等他溶化了 再把别人降进酸水里 Is he dissolved? 他溶化了吗 At least use the downtime to reset the acid lowerer. 至少要利用停机时间重置降酸器吧 I really dont like the attitude around here. 我真不喜欢你们的态度 Its a very lower me into acid attitude. 一种很“降我入酸”的态度 Who are you? 你是谁 How did you reach my sanctum? 你是怎么进到我的圣殿的 All right, this is going in circles. 好吧 问也是白问 Seize him! 抓住他 Very well. 很好 Now I will fight you. 现在我来和你打 Anyway, he tells a different version of the story, 总之 他讲的故事是另一个版本 where I start crying or something. 我在此处开始哭什么的 Thats why he has to die, 所以他必须得死 cause hes a liar. 因为他是个骗子 So... 所以 Why are you going to kill Rick Sanchez? 你为什么要杀了Rick Sanchez Okay, I dont know who that is. 好吧 我不知道那是谁 I dont accept your weird leap in logic that has everyone on a train going to kill one guy. 我接受不了你这怪异的逻辑跳跃 让火车上的所有人都要去杀同一个人 And even if I did, why would we take turns telling stories about it like little girls at a sleepover? 就算我也要杀 我们又为何轮流讲出来呢 跟小女孩儿们通宵讲故事似的 If youre trying to be hurtful, 如果你想伤人的话 youre doing a good job. 你做得很好 Ill take his turn. 我来接着说吧 Heres why Im going to kill Rick Sanchez. 说说我为什么要杀了Rick Sanchez You guys have fun with this. 你们几个慢慢聊 Dissolve to a clam-shaped sun 一个溶化成蛤蜊状的太阳 rising over a giant beach. 在广袤的沙滩上升起 By then, of course, he had left toys and flesh drops for every one of us in the spore-hive. 等到那时 他给我们孢子巢里的每一个人都留下了玩具和血肉 Ah, a newcomer! 啊 来新人了 I suppose you think you have a


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