Cradle To Grave《生活琐逝(2015)》第一季第八集完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Cradle To Grave《生活琐逝(2015)》第一季第八集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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第一季 第八集 **They say time will wait for no man* *他们说时间不等人 **They say time is on my side* *他们说时间还多得很 **I can never make my mind up* *我永远来不及做决定 **Cos it all goes whizzing by* *因为光阴似箭了无痕 **From the cradle to the grave* *从摇篮到坟墓 **I know I wont be a slave* *我知道我不会屈服 **To the mistakes that I made* *被旧日的错误所困 **From the cradle* *从摇篮 **And I wont go till Im ready* *我不会离开 直到我准备好 **From the cradle to the grave.* *从摇篮到坟墓 Well? Well what? 怎么样 什么怎么样 Youre supposed to tell me I look gorgeous. 你应该说我很漂亮 I dont know what youre asking me for. Ive only got one eye. 你问我hearts;干hearts;什么 我就只有一只眼睛 Yeah, you look great. 你很漂亮 Its a nice colour. 颜色不错 Ahh, give us that. Youve got a wedding dress on. 啊 把它给我 你可穿着婚纱 Dogs just laid on that. I dont care Im starving. 狗刚躺过 我不在乎 我要饿死了 Mum back yet? Cant be, the old mans in a good mood. 妈回来了吗 不可能 爸现在心情可好了 How long will they keep up this silent treatment? 他们还要冷战多久 Aint said a word to each other for last week. 上一周他俩都没说过话 A week? Try three. 一周 三周好吧 I cant remember the last time 我都不记得上次 he asked her to help him look for something. 他让她帮忙找东西是什么时候了 What? What do you mean, look for something? 什么 你说的是什么意思 找东西 Dont be a prize prick. 别给我装傻 You know, when you go upstairs and the bedroom doors locked... 每次你上楼发现卧室门锁着 Who is it? Its me. 谁啊 是我 What do you want? Can I see Mum a minute? 你要干什么 我可以找下妈吗 You cant. Shes busy. Shes helping me look for something. 不行 她现在很忙 在帮我找东西呢 Oh... is that... what the... that is? 哦 那就是 难道 就是 Yeah, yeah, lets not talk about it any more. 是的 没错 我们别再提它了 So, erm, will you be helping Roger look for something tonight then? 那 你今晚会帮Roger 找点什么东西吗 Ah, dont be disgusting. 啊 别恶心了 Anyway, Mum better be home soon cos I need help with my hair. 总之妈最好赶快回来 我要她帮我弄头发呢 **Woman, I want to go down and drown in you* *女人 我想在你这里沉醉 **Woman, oh, let my love cut your sorrow in two* *女人 噢 让我用爱来分担你的忧愁 **Woman, oh, why dont you cry all over me* *女人 噢 你为什么不为我哭泣 **Woman, oh, why dont you cry* *女人 噢 你为什么不哭 **Why dont you cry, oh* *你为什么不哭 噢 **Why dont you


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