Rillington Place《瑞灵顿街惊魂(2016)》第一季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Rillington Place《瑞灵顿街惊魂(2016)》第一季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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根据真实事件改编 我郑重发誓 我在庭上 I do solemnly declare that the evidence I shall give 所述之言皆为事实 shall be the truth, 字字千真万确 绝无虚言 the whole truth and nothing but the truth. 上帝保佑我 So help me God. 你们抓错人了 You have the wrong person in here. 不是我hearts;干hearts;的 I didnt do it. 蒂莫西·埃文斯 陪审团判定你有罪 Timothy Evans, the jury finds you guilty... 走吧 Come on! -不是我 -快点吧 - It wasnt me. - Come on. -我没杀人 -蒂莫西·埃文斯 - I didnt do it! - Timothy Evans, 你还有什么遗言吗 do you have any last words? 是克里斯蒂干的 Christie done it. 是克里斯蒂 It was Christie! 瑞灵顿凶案 第一季第一集 12年前 早上好 哈里 Morning, Harry. 有东西给我 是吗 Got something for me, have you? 你姐姐的信 Letter for your sister. -谢谢 杰克 -再见 - Thanks, Jack. - Ta-ra. 是他寄来的 Its him. 艾瑟尔 我最亲爱的艾瑟尔 My dearest Ethel, 真高兴你找到了我 how happy I am that youve found me. 很惭愧是在这样的情况下 但... Shame that it was under these circumstances, but... 若非如此 Had it not been, 我们的生活也许再不会有交集 our paths may never have crossed again. 有太多的时间要去弥补 Theres so much time to make up for. 太多的话想说 So much to say. 我希望能有勇气回到你身边 I wish I had the courage to come back to you 但我太窘迫了 but I was embarrassed. 我让你失望了 Ive let you down. 而且我知道 没有我你会过得更好 And I knew youd be better off without me. 希望你能说服自己原谅我 I hope you can find it within yourself to forgive me. 雷金 Reg. 我以为你死了 I thought you were dead. 九年了 Nine years. 九年来杳无音讯 Nine years without a word. 你为什么不写信 Why didnt you write? 我觉得丢人 I was ashamed. 对不起 亲爱的 Im sorry, love. 你想离婚吗 Do you want a divorce? -离婚 -对 - A divorce? - Aye. 别犯傻了 Dont be daft. 知道我怎么找到你的吗 Do you know how I found you? 你想知道吗 Eh, do you want to know? 过去九年中 每个月 Every month for the past nine years... 我都会写信给苏格兰场 I wrote to Scotland Yard. 请他们告诉我 是不是有个叫约翰·克里斯蒂的人 Could they kindly inform me if a John Christie 出了什么事故 had befallen some tragedy? 100封信 雷金 还不止 100 letters, Reg. More. 我本该请人找你来的 I shouldve sent for you. 我本该这样做的 I shouldve. 我根本就不该在这里 I shouldnt even be in here. 我向朋友借了辆车 I borrowed a car from a friend 结果被偷了 and it turned out to be stolen, so... 雷金 Oh, Reg. 我想你 I missed you. 我想你 亲爱的 I missed you, love. 我们重新开始吧 Lets mak


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