Rillington Place《瑞灵顿街惊魂(2016)》第一季第三集完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Rillington Place《瑞灵顿街惊魂(2016)》第一季第三集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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前情回顾 她漂亮吗 雷金 She pretty, Reg? 这个角度看不清楚 Hard to say from this angle. 把你的脏手放老实点 Well, you keep your bloody hands to yourself. 我们刚结婚没多久 克里斯蒂先生 Were not long married, Mr Christie. 想有点私人空间 Could do with some privacy. 我不想再要孩子了 Im not having any more. 你打掉孩子 你就会失去我 If you get rid of it, youll have rid of me. 我帮助过和你们情况类似的夫妇 I have...helped couples in similar situations. 他受过医疗培训 蒂莫 我信任他 Hes trained as a doctor, Tim. I trust him. 你只需去告诉克里斯蒂先生一切顺利 Youve just got to tell Mr Christie everythings all right. 恐怕有坏消息 Bad news, Im afraid. 你对她做了什么 What did you do to her? 他们会以为你杀了她 Theyll think you killed her. 你可能因此被绞死 You could hang for this. 如果有人问起 就说 If anyone asks, you just say... 贝丽尔和人私奔了 Beryls gone away. 他们找到了尸体 They found the bodies. 你妻子的 还有你女儿的 Your wife, and your daughter. -不 不 -这是为了你好 - No. No. - To make this easy on yourself, 我建议你立即招供 I suggest you make your confession now. 不是我hearts;干hearts;的 妈 是克里斯蒂干的 I never done it, Mum. Christie done it. 就是克里斯蒂指认你的 Christies the one saying you done it. 根据真实事件改编 瑞灵顿凶案 第一季第三集 三年前 由匿名作曲家所作的短篇 ..Short pieces by anonymous composers. 素歌hearts;即单声圣歌hearts; 一种不分小节无伴奏的宗教歌hearts; 是中世纪罗马天主教会的祈祷歌hearts;曲 它们基于素歌hearts;的形式 Theyre based on a plainsong setting 取自于十六世纪出版商 and are taken from a volume of organ music 阿泰尼昂的一卷管风琴曲 printed by the 16th century publisher Attaingnant. 雷金 控方传唤证人 The prosecution calls witness 约翰·雷金纳德·哈利迪·克里斯蒂 John Reginald Halliday Christie. 我郑重发誓 我在庭上 I do solemnly declare that the evidence I shall give 所述之言皆为事实 shall be the truth, 字字千真万确 绝无虚言 the whole truth and nothing but the truth, 上帝保佑我 so help me, God. 去年十一月八日 你的证词中提到 On the 8th November last year, you said in your statement 你记得半夜被某个声音惊醒 that you recalled being woken by something in the night? 是的 Yes. 我们当时在床上睡觉 我妻子和我都是 We were in bed, both in bed, my wife and I, and, um... 我们被一阵巨响吓醒 We were startled by a very loud thud, 像在地板上拖拽东西的声音 like something being dragged across the floor. 你后来再见到蒂莫西·埃文斯时 And is it true or is it not true 他告诉你埃文斯夫人带着孩子 that the next time


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