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PAGE PAGE 19 《了不起的盖茨比》中人物形象的创造与作者生平的联系 摘要:《了不起的盖茨比》是菲茨杰拉德的代表作之一,正是这本书让菲茨杰拉德成为“爵士时代”的代表人。不可避免的作者也将自己的人生经历放入了这本书中。小说通过人物形象的塑造,生动还原了当时社会的真实面貌。从这些人物的塑造中,我们不难看出作者经历了怎样的人生,也能看到这个喧嚣的社会是如何改变人性。他创作的角色和他本人一样,曾疯狂地追求富家小姐,却因为金钱、社会地位屡屡失败。疯狂地消费让人迷失自我,拜金主义让人性变得更加丑陋。当时的时代很少有作家能像菲茨杰拉德一样将这一切表达出来。评论学家们曾从作者的主题,叙事方式,象征等方面对这本书进行的深入的研究。本文通过作者本身的经历,人物上表现出来的特点,小说与现实的重合点一一进行分析,解释作者创作出该种形象的因缘巧合。 关键词:菲茨杰拉德; 人物形象; 人生经历 The Connections between the author’s life and?the characters in the great gatsby Abstract: The Great Gatsby is?one of Fitzgerald’s most classic master works, and because of this book, Fitzgerald became the representative of Jazz age. Author put his own experiences into this novel with inevitable, and he creates several typical characters in the age to show us the most truthful society. By analyzing the characters, we can see what Fitzgerald had gone through, and how this noisy city change humanity. The role he created who is just himself kept chasing after rich girl, but finally failed. The crazy Consumerism make people lose themselves, money worships make people uglier. Critics have been studied some field including the theme of this book, narrative mode and symbols in the book. This paper will focus on author’s experiences and the main characters in The Great Gatsby. Keywords: Fitzgerald; characters; life experiences The Connections between the author’s life and the characters in the?great gatsby 1. Introduction F·Scott Fitzgerald is one of the outstanding writers of?American in 20th century. He is also known as the spokesman of Jazz Age. Almost all his masterpiece is based on his personal experiences and his observation of that time. So he becomes the first spokesman of his generation. In A Moveable Feast Ernest Hemingway spent nearly a quarter of his book, to describe experiences between him and his friend Scott Fitzgerald who is just in his prime. At that time, Fitzgerald had already published The Great Gatsby. But there is another horrible word to describe this genius wr


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