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精品文档 精品文档 精品文档 精品文档 希望之星小学英语演讲比赛即兴演讲 30篇【转】 ThiS is me GOOd after noon, boys and girls. my n ame is ... Im from qianjia Wan. I am 12 years OId. Im a boy, and I am a Student. my favorite colour is green. my favorite fruit are apples and WatermeIons. my favorite foods are PiZ ZaS hotdogs and hamburgers. my old friend is ZhU JiaIia ng. this is my new frie nd, Zheng Jie. look, this is Mr. Ji, my En glish teacher. and he is my cous in. look, i have a family photo. this is my grandfather. hes not Very old. he is 64. he likes WatChing TV. this is my gran dmother. shes 60. She loves me Very much. whos this woma n? shes my mother. She is 36. shes Ver y beautiful. whos that man? hes my dad. hes 36, too. he always go to school With me. whos this boy? ha, h a, its me. hes smart. my SPeeCh is over. tha nk you every oneg oodbye! HObbieS I have many hobbies. I like to do many thi ngs. Let me Share a few. I like video games. COmPUter games are cool, too. I could play them all day. I like collecting cards. I play games With them. I trade them With my frie n ds. Also, I like sports. I like being outdoors. I love fresh air and SUnShine. Bike riding is fun. Rollerblading is ne at. SWimming is my favorite. In addition, I like to draw pictures. I like to read comics. BUt PIeaSe dont tell my Pare nts. FUrthermore, I like music. I like to Sing songs. Im learning to play an inStrUment. Of course, I enjoy learning En glish. I like SPeak ing With foreig ners. I love WatCh ing DiSney carto ons. There is more I like to do. There i S more I Can Say. Ill SaVe it for ano ther day. My family I have a won derful family. Im lucky to be a Part of it. Let me tell you about them. My family n ame is Lee. My family history is IOngand proud. There are five people in my family now. My Parents love me Very muc h. They do a lot for me. When I need help, they are always there. My dad is a stro ng guy. Hes hon est and hardwork ing. Hes like a SUPerherO to me. My mom is a Smart wom an. She Can do almost anythin



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