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换言之翻译第三章讲义西外李林波 换言之翻译第三章讲义西外李林波 PAGE PAGEPAGE 5 换言之翻译第三章讲义西外李林波 5 Textual equivalence: thematic and information structures Text: The verbal record of a communicative event; an instance of language in use rather than language as an abstract system of meanings and relations. (p111) Cohesion: 衔接 A network of lexical, grammatical, and other relations which provide links between various parts of a text, and which organize and create a text; a surface relation which connects together the actual words and expressions that we can see or hear.(p180) [The connection between successive sentences in texts, conversations, etc., in so far as it can be described in terms of specific syntactic units.] Coherence: 连贯 A network of relations which organize and create a text; the network of conceptual relations which underlie the surface structure. (p218) [The way in which the content of connected speech or text hangs together, or is interpreted as hanging together, as distinct from that of random assemblages of sentences.] Theme: What the clause is about. (p121) Rheme: What the speaker says about the theme. (p122) Communicative dynamism(交际动力): The extent to which the element contributes to the development of the communication. (p161) . Parts of a sentence representing given information are said to have the lowest degree of communicative dynamism (or CD), . the amount that, in context, they communicate to addressees is the least. A general overview based on the Hallidayan approach to information flow Thematic structure: theme and rheme Theme: what the clause is about Function: 1) connecting back to previous stretches of discourse— orientation 2) connecting forward and contributing to the development of later stretches—departure Rheme: what the speaker says about the theme—the goal of discourse The most important; what the speaker wants to convey The structure of a message in every clause—It says something (


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