感恩父母英语 .pptx

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ThanksgivingParents Members: 第一页,共22页。 As we all know, the gratitude have been occ-upying an important pos-ition in our traditional virtues in our country since long long ago. And when it comes to gratit-ude, who is the first y-ou want to thank? Of co-urse, the first are our parents. Next, let us look the main processes today.第二页,共22页。The main processes1.The Parents’ images in your heart2.What parents do for you3.How to express your gratitude to parentsThanksgiving Parents第三页,共22页。1.The Parents’ images in your heart第四页,共22页。Use some words to describe your motherBeautiful 美丽(měilì)的My mother is so beautifulGentle 温柔(wēnróu)的Kind 善良(shàn liánɡ)的Laborious 勤劳的Virtuous 贤惠的Thrifty 勤俭节约的Ordinary and great平凡而又伟大······第五页,共22页。Use some words to describe your fatherMy father is strongAugust 威严(wēiyán)的Responsible 负有责任的 Serious 严肃(yán sù)的Strong 高大(gāodà)的firm 坚强的Plain 朴实weather-beaten饱经风霜 ······第六页,共22页。Do you remember what your parents do for you?第七页,共22页。2. What parents do for youAt the first, let us enjoy a video第八页,共22页。What parents do for youAfter looking the video maybe you are moved howeverwhat parents do for youare not only theseWhen you were bornparents were the first to meet youwhich was theirhappiest moment第九页,共22页。What parents do for youThey fed youplay games with you第十页,共22页。What parents do for youThey teached you to read. They were your first teachers第十一页,共22页。What parents do for you Cold day, they brought you warm.Rainy day, they sent you an umbrella.第十二页,共22页。What parents do for youwhen you were sadthey would make you laughwhen you were tiredthey would give you a shoulder to rely on第十三页,共22页。What parents do for youIs parents gave us a warm homeIs parents let us grow up in happiness第十四页,共22页。3.How to express your gratitude As said above, parents pay a lot for us. So it’s high for us to do some things for our parents because we have alrea-dy grown up. But anoth-er p-roblem arises, wh-at can we do for them? The following is our s-uggestionsNext


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