大型规模化猪场中PRRS的管理: 后备母猪 和生长猪 - Rebecca C. .pdf

大型规模化猪场中PRRS的管理: 后备母猪 和生长猪 - Rebecca C. .pdf

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PRRS management in a large integrated system: Gilts and growing pigs 大型规模化猪场中PRRS的管理:后备母猪 和生长猪 Rebecca C. Robbins, DVM, PhD 瑞贝卡·罗宾斯博士 Seaboard Foods, Sr. Production Veterinarian 美国海岸食品有限公司,高级生产兽医 Leman China 2018 2018 年李曼中国养猪大会 PRRSv outbreaks in US shows cyclical pattern, 2009-2018 (From MSHMP Weekly Report) 2009-2018年美国PRRSV爆发显示周期性模式 (来自MSHMP周 报) Current Status of PRRSv in US (From MSHMP Weekly Report) PRRSV在美国的现状(来自MSHMP周报) Abrupt increase in use of modified live (MLV) PRRSv vaccine occurred in 2013 as a result of novel research on PRRSv control strategies 由于对PRRSv控制策略的新研 究,2013年发生了改良活体 (MLV)PRRSv疫苗使用量的突 然增加 However, estimated cost of PRRSv to US swine industry continues to increase. 然而,PRRSv对美国养猪业的估计成本产生的影响继续增加。 Vaccine a central part of PRRS management in Seaboard system prior to 2016 2016之前,疫苗免疫是Seaboard系统中PRRS管理的核心部分 • Internally multiplied gilts 内部成倍增长的后备母猪 – Multipliers were PRRS positive and frequently unstable – 成本增加的猪只是PRRS阳性且经常不稳定 – PRRS status monitored quarterly (oral fluids) 每季度通过口腔液监测PRRS状态 • Positive test did not impede gilt entry 阳性测试并没有阻止PRRSV进入后备母猪 • Ingelvac ATP 1cc at 2 weeks post-weaning and 26 weeks of age 断奶后2周和26周龄使用1剂量的 Ingelvac ATP • Sows 经产母猪 – Outbreaks 爆发 • 2% Miscarriages on or above 70 days of gestation and positive PCR test • 在妊娠70天或以上发生 2 %的流产和PCR (聚合酶链反应)检测阳性 – Ingelvac ATP - 1cc - 2 times - 30 days between vaccinations Ingelvac ATP - 1cc - 2次-疫苗接种间隔30天 – PWM 14% (断奶后多系统消瘦占比14%) • Growing pigs 生长猪 – 2 weeks post-weaning 断奶后两周 – Ingelvac MLV - 1cc – Livability 94% 存活率94% Introduction of highly virulent PRRS strain to Oklahom


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