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thrift of excellent traditional a nd style la ck dee p of under standi ng, one -sided t hink in now of good situati on Xia, e conomic smoot h more fast devel opme nt, and reform made major pr ogress, and pe ople livi ng signifi cantly improve , and social the career made new progress, no ne cessary always hard has, no awar ene ss to China a lso has many poverty area, a nd al so has many poverty populati on of exists, more livi ng improve has, more need ke ep har d of style. T hree is not stri ctly honest. Total thought units i s a water se ctor, clean self-discipli ne away from himself too far, no re al processing good living of impr ove and hard, and thrift excellent traditi onal of relationshi p, no effective do comply with Constitution and party of regulati ons must from I do up, no rig ht mercy good bitter Le, and wealt h of relationshi p, no right aware ness to in comply wit h Constit ution a nd party of regulat ions aspe cts everyone has accounta bility. Four, fut ure dire ction and improveme nt measure s 1, belief and faith, strengthe n party spirit. One i s to firmly establish the nobl e ideal s of struggle for t he ide als of communi sm, communist struggle for life, ready to sa crifice everyt hing for the party and the people. Se cond is to continuously improve t he quality an d standard of political, conscie ntiously study Deng Xiaopi ng theory and three re present s important thoug ht and the scientific Outl ook on development, impl ement the partys ba sic pr ogram for the primary stage of sociali sm, adhere to the corre ct political orientation, maintai n hig hly consiste nt with the CPC Ce ntral Committee, is good at t heorie s of social ism with Chi nese characteristi cs to a nalyze and solve problems. Third, strengthe ning the party spirit and the worl d transformati on, perseverance of the party Constit ution, relive Party vow s to establ ish corre ct worl d Outl ook , Outlook on life and the w orld, practi cally embodie s ideal s and bel iefs


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