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Xiaoping theory a nd the im portant t houg ht of the thre e represe nts and the scie ntific Outlook on devel opment. Such changes w ere made, i s conducive t o implementi ng the i nnovati on of Marxi sm in China, e spe cially the scie ntific concept of development the strategic task of arming the w hol e party, play grass-r oots organizati ons i n prom oting the scie ntific Outlook on devel opment i nto the grass-r oots level , and t o implement t he importa nt role. T hird, how to use t he content s of the ne w Constituti on guidi ng party buildi ng through st udyi ng the essence of the new Constitution, the flexi ble application of the essence of the Constitution in party bui lding, and I thi nk the key to graspi ng the foll owing : to cat ch the discipli ne, focus on stre ngthe ning the partys rule s and regulati ons binding. o stri ctly observe and carry out the partys political discipli ne, ensure t he ce ntralism and unity of the whole party. Party cadres, especially lea ding cadres, bot h doers, but also hav e a strong se nse of politi cal awarene ss to dry line, li ne, not lack of ability to w ork, be come a talker; hard work isSkill, politi cal dire ction, unable t o understa nd w hen conf used. Flag of the CPC Central Committee and the Committees re quirement s into Departments re que st, to a holistic a nd concerte d efforts, subje ct to the overall situation. Se cond, cadres a nd strive t o play an exemplary r ole of party m embers and ca dres of har dworki ng and clea n, emphasize s lead, shift, led. Lea d is to a dhere to set an example , to lead by example, de al with the relationshi p betw een i ndivi dual s and parties, real lea d role shift is in order to stre ngthe n the sense of responsibil ity, creati ng a fighting force ; lead i s to a dhere t o strict requirements, strict manageme nt and strict supervi sion. Thr ee catch ba sis and strive to e nha nce t he combat effectivene ss of the party organizati on. o a ccording t o Constituti o


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