《U5 Do you want to watch a game show6》教案(省优获奖).docVIP

《U5 Do you want to watch a game show6》教案(省优获奖).doc

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Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show〔第6课时〕 讲课教师: 学科:English 课时6 总课时数: 教    学 目 标 知识与技能 Learn to talk about preferences Learn to use infinitives 过程与方法 Work in pairs and talk about the statements 情感态度与价值观 Make students build up active attitude and correct world view 教材分析 教学重点 The contents of the unit. 教学难点 To use of target language. 教 学 过 程 教师活动 学生活动 备注〔教学目的、时间分配等〕 Step 1 Lead ---in Let’s do a survey .Who likes watching TV Who likes going to the moviesLet’s divide all of us into two groups . Ask questions like this:Then What kind of movies do you like Why do you like them What kind of TV show s do you like Why do you like them Then make a report: ________likes________because________ Step2 Description words Look at 4 and what do you and your partner think of these TV shows or movies Write description words for each one. Step 3 Infinitive Make sentences with the phrases: Want to : What do you want to do Plan to : What do you plan to watch tonight Expect to : What can you expect to learn from sitcoms Hope to : I hope to see him one day. Step 4 Self-check Write questions and answers using the words in brackets . Read them out aloud. Make similar sentence using the target language. h of these statements do you agree with or disafreeGive at least one reason. I think game shows are meaningless. I can’t stand soap operas. I think sitcoms and talent shows are relaxing . I love talk shows. I think comedies are fantastic. You say it like this: I agree. I don’t agree. I think ....... Talk about preferences The usage of the infinitives. Step7. Homework Finish Self -check . Students do a survey Students practice speaking Students practice Students discuss the problem. Students sum up. 3 minutes 3minutes 5 minutes 5minReutes Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show What do you think of soap operas I think they are boring . 教学后记: New words and phrases I


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