《U3 How do you get to school》教案7 (省优获奖).docVIP

《U3 How do you get to school》教案7 (省优获奖).doc

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Unit 3 How do you get to school 单元 名称 Unit 3 How do you get to school 课时安排 教学目标 1.能够询问他人如何到达某地;准确表达自己。 2.学习完成任务所需要的语言: 词汇:bus stop, bus station, train station, subway station countable noun, uncountable noun〔只要求理解〕 2)? 句子: 复习表达如何向别人询问道路: How do you get to school How does Nina get to school 表达采用怎样的交通方式去某地: Well, I ride my bike to the subway station. Then I take the subway. . 3. 完成课本1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 2a,2b,2c的教学任务。 教学 环节 突出内容 教师活动 学生活动 Step I Lead in and revision 题板 PPT ?1 电子版教材P32 2a 同步字幕 划线局部 1. T: Im very glad to see you again. Do you remember what transportations we learnt in last lesson 大家还记得上节课我们都学习哪些交通方式了吗? 1) 〔老师用交通方式卡片指引学生说出所学单词。〕 所说单词顺序为:bus, subway, train, ship, bike, plane, taxi, boat, bicycle... 2) T: Do you know how to spell them Look at the words in the picture. Please read the words and translate them into Chinese one by one. 请大家读出图片中的单词,并把它们翻译成中文。 T: S1, please. S2, please. S3, please. S4, please. S5, please. S6, please. S7, please. S8, please. 2. T: OK. 接下来我们看一组图片,我们来认识几个新单词。Ill show you some pictures on the screen. Lets learn some new words. 〔在屏幕上展示p16的四幅图片〕 T: Altogether,please follow me! stop; station Please say something about the pictures one by one. For example, This is a train station. Trains stop here. OK. Can you give me the answers 3. Lets look at the pictures with these phrases. Please repeat. 让我们一起看带提示的图片,再跟老师把这几个短语读一遍。 1.1) Ss: bus, subway, train, ship, bike, plane, taxi, boat, bicycle... 2) S1: bus, b-u-s 公共汽车 S2: subway,u-b-w-a-y 地铁 S3: train,t-r-a-I-n 火车 S4: ship, s-h-I-p 轮船 S5: bike, b-I-k-e 自行车 S6: plane, p-l-a-n-e 飞机 S7: taxi,t-a-x-i 出租车 S8 boat, b-a-o-t 小船 2.Follow the words with teacher. S3: This is a bus station. Buses stop here. S5: This is a subway station. Subways stop here. S8 This is a bus top. Buses stop here. 3. Ss look at the pictures and repeat the phrases. Practice Step III Group work: PPT 2 同步字幕 划线局部 1. 老师让学生翻开教材第22页,看图片上面的四个空白处,让学生把空白处的单词和图片相对应填好。 T: 1. Lets open our books at page 22, point out the blank line in


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