《Can you play the guitar》4》教案 (省优获奖).docVIP

《Can you play the guitar》4》教案 (省优获奖).doc

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山东省枣庄市峄城区吴林街道中学七年级英语下册 Unit 1Can you play the guitar〔第四课时〕教案 〔新版〕人教新目标版 Period4 (section B 2a—3b) Learning goals :To personalize and prepare Ss for the subsequent reading and writing activity with target language. Let Ss use the language to communicate about themselves. Leaning Procedures: Step1 Preview 预习检测 At least one pair of students role-plays the conversation in Period 2 in front of the class Write the English for the Chinese 1. 很快的 adv.( ) 2.或者:也〔用在否认词组后〕adv.( )。 ……要么……;或者……或者……( ). 4.大量;许多pron.〔 〕。 5.有时;间或adv( ). 6.大量;许多〔 〕。 ………的味道;品尝v.:味道;滋味n.( ). 8.生命;生命n.( ).pl.( ). Pre-reading Activities 预习检测 Read the book and put the Chinese into English only, then write them down without looking at your book . P11 3.我没有很多时间吃早饭。_____________。 4.我有时候打半小时的篮球。_____________。 5.当我到家是,我总是先做作业。___________。 6.晚上,我要么看电视,要么玩电子游戏。_____________。 7.她知道这对她没有好处。______________。 8.晚上。她做作业然后通常游泳或散步。_______________。 P12 1.我通常从六点十五到七点做锻炼。 _______________。 2.之后,我快速洗个澡然后吃早饭。______________. 3.我四点半放学到家并做作业。___________。 4.我有一个非常健康的生活。_______________。 设计说明:学生通过预习重点单词和短语,能够对本节课的内容有初步了解,给每一个学生提供一个展示的平台,极大地激发学生的学习兴趣和自信心。 Step2 ; Warming up and leading in热身导入 T: Class!Do you often go to bed early S1: Yes, I do. T: Do you think it’s healthy S1:Yes.I think so. T: Do you often eat ice-cream S2:Yes,I do. T: Do you think it’s healthy S2: No I don’t think it’s so. T: OK ,class, let’s get to 2a. 2a Check the activities you think are healthy. Step3; While-reading Activities 一;Read for the general idea of 2b The general idea of the passage is about ( ) A.Tom’s and Mary’ s habits B.Tom’s and Mary’s interests C.Tom’s and Mary’s family 二;Read for the specific ideas of 2b 2b 1 Read the passage and judge〔判断〕T〔true〕 or F(false) ( ) 1. Tony usually eats breakfast very quickly. ( ) 2. Tony always does his homework in the end (最后)when he gets home. ( ) 3.Mary usually eats breakf


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