《U2 Is this your pencil?SecB》教案 (省优获奖).docVIP

《U2 Is this your pencil?SecB》教案 (省优获奖).doc

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Unit 2 Is this your pencil? 新词汇学习的热身 学习内容:教材P10的1a 活动设计意图: ????引出新单词的学习。 ? 教学步骤 教师行为 学生行为 Step??1 教师播放动画,让学生从看动画听歌的过程中 激发兴趣,同时复习前面所学内容。 Play the flash “What is this Guess!〞 Ask students to watch the flash and learn to sing a song. ? ? ? ? ? Watch the flash and learn to sing a song. 看动画,学唱歌曲。 (What’s this Guess! What’s this Guess! A pen A book A pencil box Yes! What’s that Guess! What’s that Guess! A desk A chair A backpack Yes! This is a desk. This is a chair. And that is a backpack over there. This is a pen. This is a book. And that’s a pencil box. Take a look!) Step??2 ? ? ? ? 呈现和复习之前学习的词汇。 Present pictures and review the words about school things: pencil, pen, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, backpack, pencil sharpener, dictionary. See the pictures of the things and reviewthe names of the school things quickly. 看图,并快速说出单词,复习词汇。 Step??3 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 教师播放动画并呈现新词汇:ring, baseball, watch, notebook, computer game, ID card, key Present pictures and new words: ring, baseball, watch, notebook, computer game, ID card, a set of keys. Ask students to watch a flash and learn some new words. Watch the flash. See pictures and memorize the new words:?ring, baseball, watch, notebook, computer game, ID card, a set of keys.?Read the words after the teacher. 观看动画和图片,记忆新词汇,跟读单词。注意在读单词时,要模仿老师的发音。 ? ? Step??4 ? ? ? ? ? ? 学中活动一 重点词汇学习: ring, baseball, watch, notebook, computer game, ID card, a set of, key 学习内容:教材P10的1b、2a、2b、2c 教学活动设计意图: 在听力训练中,学习物品的名称。 在口语表达中,能熟练使用目标语,如: ????????— What’s this??????????????????? ????????— It’s a watch. ????????— How do you spell it????????? ????????— W-A-T-C-H. ? 教学步骤 教师行为 学生行为 Step??5 播放动画,给出例子,让学生学会怎样就物品进行问答。 Play the flash. Give a sample for?1b. Look and learn. 在看和听后,自己要大声模仿对话,为结对活动做好准备。 Step??6 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Section B?1b. 播放视频,做结对活动。就1a图中的物品进行问答练习。在两人一组的活动中,学生要互换角色进行问答练习。可请两、三对学生在班上展示他们的对话。 Play the Video.?Let students ask questions about the things in the picture of?1a. Sample: — What’s this — It’s a watch. — How do you spell it — W-A-T-C-H


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