《U2 I think that mooncakes are delicious》教案 (省优获奖).docVIP

《U2 I think that mooncakes are delicious》教案 (省优获奖).doc

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Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 【Study-aims】 知识目标:能够识记单词:mooncake, lantern, stranger, relative, pound ;正确使用短语:a little , put on, In two weeks, be similar to, visit one’s relatives ;注意几个节日的表达:the Water Festival, The Dragon Boat Festival ,the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival ;掌握句型I know that the Water Festival is really fun . I wonder if they ’ll have the races again next year .I wonder whether June is a good time to visit Hong Kong . I believe that April is the hottest month in Thailand.等宾语从句的表达及感慨句What a great day ! How pretty the dragon boats were!的用法。 能力目标:能听懂有关描述节日活动的对话,并学会用所学内容谈论节日活动。 情感目标:培养学生积极参与活动的兴趣,发扬我国的荣耀传统。 学习策略:综合培养学生与别人交流和沟通的能力。 文化意识:了解中西方的重要节日及风俗习惯,尊重各地的文化差异。 【Key difficult points】 学习并掌握宾语从句〔I〕 和感慨句的用法。 【Learning procedure】 I. Pre-class 1. 翻译以下单词和短语 亲戚 ___ ____ 英镑;磅 ___ ____????? 陌生人 ___ ____??? 泼水节 ___ ____ 龙舟节 ___ ____?? 春节 ___ ____ 元宵节 ?___ ____ 与......相似 ___ ____???? 发胖;增加〔体重〕___ ____??? 2. 根据汉意完成以下句子 (1)?我不知道谁想借这些杂志。 (2)?我弟弟想知道她是不是一个司机。 (3)那个小男孩多么聪明啊! (4)多么有趣的故事啊! 3. 知识超市: 〔1〕that 引导的宾语从句 Section A 1a—2d that在句中只起连接作用,没有含义,也不在句中充当任何成分,在口语中常省略。 He says (that) he won’t be free until tomorrow. I’m afraid that you can’t take photos here. if 和whether 引导的宾语从句。 if 和whether 都意为 “是否 ’’,多引导由一般疑问句或选择疑问句转化而来的从句,在句中具有一定的意义,不能省略。 Could you tell us if/whether it snows in winter in Australia They don’t know if they will visit the history museum tomorrow. 感慨句: What +(a/an) +形容词+名词+主语+谓语! What an interesting story it is! What beautiful paintings they are! What good news it is! How +形容词/副词+主语+谓语! How bright the room is! How beautifully she draws! 4)put on意为“增加〔体重〕 ;发胖〞。 eg:壹 can whatever I want but I never put on weight. She put on her coat and went out. (还有“穿上〞的意思〕 put 常用的短语有: put away, put off, put up, put into put down, put out 5) pound “磅;英镑〞  (1)The desk is pounds in weight.  (2)Can you lend me fi


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