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酒店订房确认函2 酒店订房确认函2 PAGE 酒店订房确认函2 XX酒店 订房确认函 Booking confirmation 致: 自: 酒店市场销售部 Letter: From: Hotel Marketing 公司: 日期: 年 月 日 Company: Date: 传真: 传真: Fax: Fax: 电话: 电话: Phone: Phone: 主题/ Theme: □预订/ Bookings □修改/ Revised □取消/ Cancel XX酒店向您致以诚挚的问候! Code of hotel business to extend my sincere greetings to you! 感谢您对XX酒店的信任与支持!我们很高兴确认您的房间预定情况如下: Code names Thanks for your interest in the hotel business trust and support! We are pleased to confirm your room is scheduled as follows: 客人姓名 入住日期 退房日期 房间种类/数量 房间价格 付款方式 Visitor name Enters the date Returns a house the date Room type/quantity Room price Payment method                                     备注: Remarks: You have booked a room reservation for you, thank you for your book! Room number: Housing 所有预订房间只保留至抵店当日的下午六时,除非预付订金或以信用卡资料做担保。 (1) All room reservations only shop on the day of arrival to 18:00, except pre-paid deposit or credit card information in order to do security. 再次感谢您对XX酒店的大力支持,我们热忱期盼在XX酒店款待您和您尊贵的客人。 Thank you again for the code name of the hotel business support, enthusiasm, we look forward to in the Code of business hotel in honor of you and your distinguished guests. 如有任何疑问,敬请随时与我们联系。 If you have any questions, please contact us at any time. 您诚挚的, Your sincere, XX酒店 Code of Hotel 确认人: Confirmed:


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