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units, one mont h, one i nspecti on, one mont h, one dispatch to e nsure emissi on re duction w ork smoothly. Also cooperate wit h provi ncial and munici pal envir onme ntal pr otection De partment many times inspe ction, pr oblems existing in the supervi sion, tracki ng, a nd urge enter prise s to impl eme nt action plan. First half of 2015, COD i ndicators i n our County has com pleted Twelve -Five cuts. NOX targets because the County has no specific projects, t he i ndicator exce eds t he val ue. 1. the air polluta nt emissi ons. Enha nce Yixin stee l, Baosteel Dresdner and min -light steel three supe rvisory manageme nt, re quires com panies to e stablish emissions re duction fa cilities operation ma nagement system and standardize the emissi ons account re cords standard abateme nt equipme nt operation and fault re porting system. Yi Xin min light steel a nd iron a nd steel si ntering w as remove d (pellet) FGD bypass, impr oved availa bility nd i ntegrated desulphurizati on efficie ncy of de sulfurizati on fa cilities. 1-Septem ber, Yixin sintered steel (pe llet) desulfurizati on facilities r unning sta ble, desulfurizati on efficie ncy desulfurizati on facilities can re ach above 80%; min light compa ny two sinteri ng machines of de sulfuri zation facilities runni ng stabl e, integrated desulphuri zation efficiency can rea ch 80%. 2. wast ewater treatment pla nt emissi ons. Strengt hening sewage treatment plant daily e nvironmental reg ulation, and urge enter prises to sta ndardize t he operation of sewage treatment facilities t o ensure t hat ... Lev el of e utrophicati on. In marine sedime nts once tot al chromi um, copper, lead, a nd mercury, arse nic and other 6 i ndicators can re ach the mari ne sedime nts of limit val ues of category II quality sta ndard requirements. Third, Jingang m onit oring groundwater quality i ndices have met the standards for groundwater quality (GB/T 14848-93) category 3 standards, groundw ater quality



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