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bar...from doing 禁止做某事 e.g.: bar the suspect from lea\*ing the countiy 禁 I匕嫌疑人离开该国 praise A for B 因为 B 赞美 A e.g.: I won liis high praise for my work.因为我的工作,我赢得了高度赞扬。 persuade A not to说服A不要去做某事 e.g.: Our boss persuaded me not to postpone the project?我们的老板说服我不要推迟这个项U。 look after照顾;关心;目送 e.g.: I need to look after the new employee.我要照顾这位新员工。 by means of 用,依鼎 e.g.: The cables are linked by means of connectors.电缆通过连接器连接。 half a二等份中的一份 e.g.: The paity was held half a year ago.该聚会在半年前举行。 go away 走开 e.g.: The suspect has gone away.嫌疑人已经离开了。 so as to以便;以致 e.g.: He hunied so as to catch the train? 他赶紧赶火车。 between A and B 在 A 与 B 之间 e.g.: The aA^erage score was between 50 and 60.平均分数在 50 到 60 之间。 just now刚才;眼下 e.g.: I got your mail just now.我刚刚收到你的邮件。 ought not to 不应该 e.g.: Such actions ought not to be allowed.这种行为不应该被允许。 by chance偶然;意外地 e.g.: Julia became an actress completely by chance. Julia 成为一名演员很偶然。 be crazy about爱的发狂,热衷于,迷恋 e.g.: Daniel is crazy about Asliley. Daniel 对 Ashley 很着迷。 put...together 编辑;拼拢 e.g.: put a team together 组建一个团队 in advance 预先,提前 e.g.: Submit the application fonn in advance? 提前提交申请表。 rely on依靠,依赖 e.g.: You can rely on me anytime?你可以随时依幕我。 stare at凝视,盯住 e.g.: I kept staring at the site.我一直盯着这个地方。 all but儿乎,差一点 e.g.: There is a remedy for all but ckath?除了死亡之外,其它都有补救办法。 look to A for B 指望 A 做 B e.g.: My father always looks to me for help.我的父亲总是指望我寻求帮助。 pay (A) for B为…而付钱 e.g.: I paid 100 dollais at auction for a bag.我在拍卖会花 了 100 美元买了 一个包。 be thought to 被认为 e.g.: It is thought to be a good method.它是一个好方法。 as is often the case情况常常如此;这是常有的事;通常就是这样 e.g.: As with often the case with kids, lie was screaming?与孩子们的情况一样,他尖叫着。 be familiar to为…所熟悉;被某人熟悉 e.g.: Her name is familiar to Chinese people.她的名字对中国人来说很熟悉。 come close to doing 接近 e.g.: My team came close to losing the game.我的团队儿乎要输掉比赛了。 see if看看是否 e.g.: Lets see if a workable deal is possible.让我们看看是否可能进行一个可行的交易。 on the phone 在打电话 e.g.: My nephew was talking with Kate on the phone.我的侄子正在和 Kate 通电话。 by sea由海路;


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