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1 PAGE 1 武汉市江夏区金口街小学 备 课 本 校名:金水闸小学 年级:五年级 任课教师:林 顺 学科:英 语 二00一年八月二十五日 1 1 Date: Contents: Starter unit. Good to see you again. Part one: Listen and sing the song. Then colour the frames. Part two: Which picture doesn’t fit? Cross it out. Part three: A work snake. Circle the words in the right colour. Teaching aims: Enable the pupils to understand the sentences. Get the pupils to enjoy using English. Important points: Enable the pupils to understand the sentences. Difficult points: Get the pupils to enjoy using English. Teaching process: Step one: Warming up. Greeting. Review. Hello. Good morning. Nice to meet you. Clap your hands. Jump. Touch your toes. Stand nose to nose. Step two. Presentation. Listen and act. Ask and answer. What colour is “stand up〞? Step three: Drill. Listen and sing the song. Find out the wrong picture. words play. Step four: Homework. Read the words. Board design: Nose apple pencil frog Bed cap ten Date: Contents: Starter unit. Good to see you again. Part four. Look, match and say. Part five. Write the numbers. Part six. Complete. Teaching aims: Review the action. Find the numbers. Review the greeting. Get the pupils to enjoy using the English. Important points: Review the action. Find out the numbers. Difficult points: Get the pupils to enjoy using English. Teaching process: Step one: Warming up. Greeting. Review. Step two: Presentation. Look and read. Match the picture with the sentence. Step three: Drill. Let’s play a game. Listen and action. Sing the song. The tiger jump. Write the numbers. Read them together. Sing the song. The wizard jump. Role playing game. Step four: Homework. Read the sentences. Board design: Bend your knees. Clap your hands. Stand nose to nose. Touch your ears. Jump up high. No.3 Date: Contents: Starter unit. Good to see you again. Part seven. Draw the dots and write the numbers. Part eight. Match and colour. Part nine. What’s missing? Teaching aims: Review the number words and the animal words. Get the


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