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话题:导游词+景点介绍 1、Welcome to XXX. I’m glad to be your guide today. (I feel it an honor to be your guide today.) It’s an honor for me to be your guide today. 2、Now before our visiting, let me /allow me to introduce you some basic information about XXX. 3 、XXX lies in /is located in ……with an area of ……square kilometres. 4、It is a large city, having a population of…… 5、XXX has a great mix of fun and learning for everyone. You can enjoy…… 6、It is rich in natural resources, including……, which enjoy a high neputation both at home and abruad. 7、If you want to have fun and more than fun, please come to……! 8、It is convenient to get here by air, rail and highway. 9、It is famous for…/as a …, attracting many visitors from all over the world. 10、I believe you will enjoy your visit today. I hope you can enjoy your visit today. 话题作文模板:人物 生日、出生地、年龄 1. …,(who was) born in …, is a… 2. …, a …, is a … with a height of … 3. …and a weight of… 家庭背景: 4. … was born in/ into a p r/rich family出生在贫穷的/富裕的家 庭 5. as a child of … years old, he…还是个……岁的孩子时 6. spend his childh d in …在……度过了他的童年 7. live a happy/hard life 生活很幸福/艰苦 教育背景: 8. be admitted t …university 考取……大学 9. graduate from …department of … university 从某大学某系 毕业 10. receive/get a doctor’s degree 获取博士学位 主要事迹: 11. serve as 做某种工作 12. devote oneself /one’s effort to/ be devoted t 一生致力于 13. concentrate…on /apply oneself t 专注于 14. make up one’s mind to d …/be determined to d 决心做… 15. have a gift for / be gifted in有……的天赋 成就: 16. one of the best/most important…最好的/重要的……之一 17. set a(n) …example t 为……树立……榜样 18. be honoured as…被授予……; 19. win the …prize 获得……荣誉 20. make great contributions to…为……作出巨大贡献


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