14-15英语(外研版)必修3同步课件:Module 3 The Violence of Nature.pptVIP

14-15英语(外研版)必修3同步课件:Module 3 The Violence of Nature.ppt

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超强台风“鲇鱼”袭击菲律宾,引发暴雨、洪水以及山体滑坡,给当地人民的生命和财产造成很大损失。幸运的是,在此之前人们已经做了应对这次台风的准备。 Super Typhoon Megi hit the Philippines Super Typhoon Megi hit ashore(向岸上)along the Philippines northeastern coast today with strong winds of 140 mph—the strongest typhoon to hit the country in years.Weatherman Robert Sawi warned millions of inhabitants and rice farmers along the typhoons path to look out for damage to crops,homes and power lines. As it crossed the main northern island of Luzon,Mr Sawi warned of possible floods and landfalls,particularly in the Cordillera Mountains.Flood-stricken areas① of China and Vietnam were also preparing for more rains from the powerful storm.Megi was expected to move on towards southern China,which has already evacuated(转移)more than 100,000 people from villages because of earlier flooding. More than② 3,000 people in coastal areas moved to school buildings and town halls that were turned into evacuation③ centers.Classes and outdoor activities were cancelled and officials advised families to have one person stay awake overnight in case of any accident.Ships and fishing boats were told to stay in ports,and several flights were cancelled.Rescue(救援)boats and thousands of food packs have been prepositioned near the areas.“This is like preparing for war,”Mr Ramos,an army officer,said.“Weve learned lessons from the past and were aiming for zero damage.” Weathermen said the capital was expected to avoid a direct hit this time although the lowest weather alert(戒备)was in effect Monday with preschools closed.In Cagayan,officials ordered villagers to move out of high-risk neighborhoods in 12 coastal towns.Farmers in Cagayan,a rice-and tobacco-producing region of more than a million people about 250 miles northeast of Manila,had been warned to harvest as much of their crops as possible before the typhoon hit. As it crashed ashore,the typhoon caused huge waves and blew down electricity poles,cutting off④ power,phone and Internet services in many areas.Radio reports sa


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