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【英语】研究生英语阅读教程提高级课后习题 - - - - - -精品可编辑word学习资料 gJ3O4D6N4A5 — — hA4F6P7J9P8 — — lM2B3V1M3V6 Lesson 2 The story about the Brothers Grimm may evoke warm memories of story time in the comforting arms of a paren(t. 回忆;) 关于格林兄弟的故事可以唤起父母在劝慰的怀抱中对故事时间的暖和 A. recall B. create C. release D. collect One of the secrets of successful travel lies in always turning adversity to your advantage(. 胜利旅行的要领之一就是总是把逆境变成你的优势 ;) |精. |品. |可. |编. |辑. |学. |习. |资. |料. * | * | * | * | |欢. |迎. |下. |载. A. unfamiliarity B. exploration C. pleasure D.difficulties. The claws of bears may be used to climb trees , rip open nests and beehives, or catch prey(. 熊的爪子可以用来爬树,撕开巢蜂房,或捕获猎物;) clear B. tear C. throw D. dig The analysts are dissecting intrusions and other attacks that have breached their computer systems分. 析人员正在剖析侵入他们电脑系统的入侵和其他攻击; intercepting B. fighting C. analyzing D. discussing He spent whole days in his room, headphones on lest he disturb anyone. 他成天呆在房间里,戴着耳机以免打搅任何人; unless B. when C. so that D. in case As the unemployment lines lengthened and factories closed, there was talk of apocalypse随. 着失业线的延长和工厂的关闭,人们谈论着天启?; emergency B. uncertainty C. disaster D. reduction The odor of the hospital was so unforgiving that every so often she would bring the cloud of white flowers to her nose(. 常会把白花的云彩带到她的鼻子上) 医院的气味是如此的无情, 以至于她常 unexpected B. unique C. impressive D. terrible Critics argue that the lavish park itself is incongruous in a country where around half the population lives below the poverty line.7 、批判家认为,在一个半数人口生活在贫困线以下的国家里,浪费的公园本身是不和谐的; inappropriate B. creative C. unnecessary D. enjoyable Many believed optimistically the news would soothe markets, but it seems to have had the opposite effect许. 了相反的作用; 多人乐观地认为,这一消息将安抚市场,但它好像起 push B. mislead C. calm D. discourage A stoical person tends to show admirable patience and endurance in the face of adversity without getting upset.一个坚忍的人在面对逆境时往往表现出令人敬佩的耐心和忍耐 力,而不会感到担心 confident B. uncomplaining C. unconventional D. reliable ADBCD CDACB Lesson 4 Dur


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