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Translating Tourism 旅游文本的翻译 ;;Part I ;旅游翻译的分类;旅游文本的语言特点;旅游翻译与文化差异 中国旅游文化的方方面面;1. 女儿红 状元红 (---- allusion);旅游翻译原则;Part II;旅游景点名称的翻译;旅游翻译的方法(II);旅游景点名称的翻译; 太和殿 中和殿 保和殿 乾清宫 交泰殿 坤宁宫 三潭印月 鹰嘴岩 ; 1. 太和殿 2. 中和殿 3. 保和殿 4. 乾清宫 5. 交泰殿 6. 坤宁宫 7. 鹰嘴岩 ;;;旅游景点名称翻译的统一;统一的办法: 1. 旅游点名称如属汉语“单名”,为照顾音节和外国人的习惯读法,最好把名字后面的“湖”、“山”、“园”等同时音译出来。 2. 如果旅游点名称是“双名”,则不必音译后面的词 洞庭湖: Dongting Lake 雁荡山: Yandang Moutain 寄畅园: Jichang Garden ;文化词语翻译的方法;增译 (包括“解释”); ;;湖南省位于长江中下游南部,东经108度至114度,北纬24至30度。因地处洞庭湖之南,所以叫做湖南 Huan Province lies just south of the middle reaches of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River between 108’ and 114’ E longitude and 24’ and 30’ N latitude. As it is also situated south of Lake Dongting, the Province has the name Hunan, which means “south of the lake”. ;杭州是一座有悠久历史的文化名城。“良渚文化”遗址即可证明,在五千多年前,这里已有人类繁衍生息。五代时的吴越国和南宋均曾在此建都,历时237年。现今的杭州,辖市内8个区,3个市和2个县。 Hangzhou has long been known as a famous cultural city. The ancient Liangzhu Culture ruins were found in what is now Hangzhou. These archeological ruins date back to 2000 B.C. when our ancestors already lived and multiplied here. Hangzhou also served as an imperial capital for 237 years—first as the capital of the State of Wuyue (907-978) during the Five Dynasties Period, and again as the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279). Now Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang Province with eight urban districts, three county-level cities and two counties under its jurisdiction.;(桃花源)始建于晋,初兴于唐,鼎盛于宋,大毁于元,时兴时衰于明清,萧条于民国,渐复于解放后,大规模修复开发于1990. Taohuayuan was first built in the Jin Dynasty(256-439AD), began to take shape in the Tang Kynasty(619-709),flourished in the Song Dynasty(960-1297), and went to ruin in the Yuan Dynaty(1279-1368). With ups and downs through the Ming and Qing dynstyies(1368-1911), it was almost abandoned in the times of the Republic of China(1912-1949).its restoration was made from t


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