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新能源汽车的发展现状与前景分析 业 论 文 毕 论文题目:新能源汽车的发展现状与前景分析 所属系别 专业班级 姓 名 学 号 指导教师 撰写日期 2013 年 4 月 摘 要 随着社会的进步,人类的发展,机动车已经成为人们生活中必不可少的一部分,而在机动车保有量连年递增的情况下,又面临环境污染的大问题。所以当前汽车的发展方向与低碳经济是一致的,低碳经济旨在降低人类对环境的破坏以及对不可再生资源的合理应用,汽车则一直以节能、环保和安全作为发展主导方向。由于我国经济高速发展,能源和污染问题形势严峻,寻找能够代替化石能源的新能源已经成为了重要解决问题途径。在被列入国家战略性新兴产业之后,我国的新能源汽车产业已经步入了快速发展期。故在未来的日子里,作为减少温室气体排放和减轻对原油进口依赖的解决方案之一,新能源汽车将成为我国汽车工业发展的大势所趋。为了对新能源汽车有所了解以及认识新能源汽车的发展现状以及应用前景,本文谈谈新能源汽车的种类,分析了我国新能源汽车的发展状况以及应用前景,并对中国新能源汽车发展中面临的问题做了探讨。 关键词:新能源汽车,发展现状,应用前景 Abstract With the progress of the society, human development, motor vehicles have become an indispensable part of people's lives, while in the vehicle holding volume increased year by year the situation, facing the problem of environment pollution.So the current direction of the car with a low carbon economy is consistent, low carbon economy aims to reduce the human damage to the environment and the rational application of non-renewable resources, and the car has always been to energy conservation, environmental protection and safety as the development orientation.Due to China's rapid economic development, energy and pollution situation is grim, looking to replace the fossil energy sources of new energy has become an important way to solve problems.In was included in the national strategic emerging industries, China's new energy automobile industry has entered a rapid development period.Therefore, in the future, as the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and reduce dependence on imported crude oil solution one, car of new energy resources will become our country to represent the general trend of the development of automobile industry.In order to understand and to recognize the new energy automotive new energy automobile development present situation and the application prospect, this paper talk about the new energy vehicle types, analysis of China's new energy automobile development status and application prospects, and on China's new energy automobile development problems discu


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