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Establishment of the patriotic Health Committee, the impl ementation of Divisi on of responsi bility, school of he alth manageme nt. , Room, gr oup, grade school health w ork of grass-root s organizati ons, is responsi ble for the Department of health ma nagement. All classrooms, offices a nd other indoor sanitat on, daily cle ani ng, keep t he floor, table , wall cle an tabl e, cupboards, chairs a nd all t he appliances i n order and clea n. No graffiti, door s and Windows a nd bright. Lectern, Blackboard in the classroom clean a nd ti dy. School sanitation, a ccording to t he Division of school healt h area of responsibility, re sponsi bility to do: a small swee p a day a w eek a big sweep, neat and cl ean, no pape r, no spam, no weeds, no sewage, no bags, no Pe el. Persona l hygiene : educati on st udents to c ultivate five, six nots personal hygie ne habits. Five: time sche dule, t o br ush your teeth before goi ng to bed, to change clot hes, bathe, a nd freque ntly washi ng ha nds before meals a nd after nails Barber,. Six not to dr ink unboile d water, do not eat unclea n food, no smoki ng, no spitting, no snacki ng, no public tow els, cups. Pay atte ntion to eye health, rea d and write positions lying uprig ht, not reading, not in the light of l ocal w alking a nd reading, doi ng eye exerci ses a nd timely corre ction of eye di sease , regular rotati on zuoci. Gym class, worki ng class, to strengthen st udents safety educati on, compre hensive physica l exam ination once a year on students, included i n the profile. Improvi ng food hygiene: to im prove sa nitation and hygie ne, impl ementation of the food hygiene r egulations, t o ensure food hygiene, ensure the phy sical and me ntal he alth of tea chers and students. Elim inati ng four pests, preve nting disease : promptly cle an up the garbage, sewage, preventi ng mosquito bree ding places, cle ane d up the gar bage, make sure and cle an. Stre ngthe n healt h publi city p



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