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In the winter of 1807, 在1807年冬天 a lone fur-trapper journeyed deep into 一个设陷狩猎的猎人 the heart of the Rocky Mountains. 孤身深入到洛矶山脉的中心地带 Somewhere near the headwaters of the Yellowstone River 在靠近黄石河上游的某处 he found a lost world. 他发现一个遗失的世界 A wonderland, 一个奇境 ruled by ice, fire and brimstone. 受冰 火和硫磺所支配 A world of extremes that challenges all that strive to live here. 一个极端的世界 考验着所有努力在此存活的一切生物 A place that has become perhaps the most treasured wilderness on Earth. 一个也许是地球上蕴藏着最多宝藏的荒野 Winter in Yellowstone. 黄石公园的冬天 Minus 40 degrees. 零下 40 度 Fahrenheit or centigrade, it doesnt really matter, 华氏还是摄氏 其实都无所谓 at minus 40 the two scales read the same. 对两种温度制来说 零下40度意义相同 For half the year, Yellowstone is frozen solid. 每年当中有一半的时间 黄石公园被严冰所包裹 Yet in the middle of this ice world there is scalding heat. 然而在这个冰冻世界的中hearts;央hearts; 却有着灼热的温度 This is no ordinary place and this is no ordinary winter. 这是一个不寻常的地方 这儿的冬天同样不寻常 The fate of everything here lies in the hands of forces 在这里 每件事物的命运 of almost unimaginable power. 由几乎不可思议的力量所掌控 Yellowstone is deep in the heart of the Rocky Mountains of North America. 黄石公园 位于北美洛矶山脉中心地带的深处 An isolated high plateau defended by rugged peaks. 被层层山峦包围 高度与世隔绝 And its location is what makes it so different. 正是它所处的位置 让它如此与众不同 Right beneath Yellowstone a unique quirk of geology 在黄石公园的下方 隐藏着一种奇特的东西 means that molten rock 地质学上称之为岩浆(火山溶岩) from deep in the earth comes unusually close to the frozen surface. 从地球的深处 几乎直通到冰冻的地表 No one knows why it happens right here, 没有人知道为什么刚好通到这里 but its impact is what has made Yellowstone world famous. 然而正是岩浆的喷发作用 使得黄石公园闻名于世 Yellowstone is the most extensive geothermal area on Earth. 黄石公园有地球上分布最广的地热区域 It has over 10,000 thermal wonders 这里有超过1hearts;0hearts;0hearts;0hearts;0hearts; 个地热景观 and more geysers than the rest of the world put together. 这里的地热喷泉数目 超过世界其它地方的总和 Old Faithful is Yellowstones most well-known geyser. 老忠实喷泉是黄石公园地热喷泉中的明星 It shoots 5,000 gallons of water 几乎每隔一个小时 它就往空中喷出5000 加仑水 150 feet into the air almost ev



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