新译林版英语六年级上册第一单元story time精品课件.ppt

新译林版英语六年级上册第一单元story time精品课件.ppt

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Unit 1 I’m wearing … wear 穿 Do you like fairy tales(童话故事)? Let’s try to tell them in English. 让我们试着用英语说一说。 Long long ago (很久以前), They lived (live的过去式) in … There were (are 的过去式)three little bears. clever 聪明的 Long long ago, there were … They needed… Three Little Pigs The Little Match Girl She walked in the street. She was … Long long ago, there was(is 的过去式) a girl. Long long ago, there was a man. He lived in a big city. He liked new clothes very much. s new clothes Anderson 安徒生 (丹麦) Watch the cartoon Read and answer : 1.Who visited(拜访)the king? 2.What can they do for the king? Long long ago, there was a king. He liked new clothes. One day, two men visited the king. My king, we can make new clothes for you. The king was happy. The two men showed the king his new clothes. How did they cheat(欺骗) the king? Read Part 2 in silence and find out the characteristics of the clothes. 默读第二段,找出衣服的特点。 What about the clothes? ______ people can see the clothes. ______ people can’t see them. Clever Foolish The two men showed the king his new clothes. Clever people can see them. Foolish people can’t see them. My king, please try on these magic clothes. How to read? mystically (神秘地) turgidly (夸张地) When the king put on the new clothes. What would the cheaters (骗子)say? 国王穿上新装后,骗子会说什么呢? clever Because the king doesnt want to be ______. foolish No one wants to be foolish. The two men showed the king his new clothes. Clever people can see them. Foolish people can’t see them. My king, please try on these magic clothes. Let’s read! 四人一组读一读,能加入自己的语言就更棒了! The king walked through the city in his new clothes. Try to understand the new words by the pictures. 遇到不理解的单词,请仔细观察图片,大胆猜测。 /u: / through 穿过 point 指着 The king walked through the city/in his new clothes. What beautiful clothes! They looked at the king and shouted. How to read? thronged 争先恐后地 turgidly 夸张地 四人小组创造性地演一演! Ha!Ha!The king isn’t wearing any clothes! A little boy pointed at the king and laughed. 两人一


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